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Advisory mission to supervise the implementation of the pilot project on application of SEA to the Orhei MasterPlan

Advisory mission to supervise the implementation of the pilot project on application of SEA to the Orhei MasterPlan

12 - 13 February 2015
Chisinau Republic of Moldova

Present: Mr. Michal Musil, UNECE International Consultant, Ms Rodica Iordanov, Team Leader.

Consultants: Ms. Faina Munteanu, Ms. Tatiana Plesco, Mr. Andrei Isac, Mr. Alexandru Taranu.

Moderators: Mr. Michal Musil, UNECE International Consultant, Ms Rodica Iordanov, Team Leader.

Secretary of the meeting:  Ms Natalia Guranda, Project Coordinator. 


Meeting agenda

Day 1: Presentations and discussion of the:

-Draft Orhei Master Plan and maps (new developments presented by Alexandru Taranu);

-Draft Scoping report, version 3, Eng (updated version, with tables and diagrams etc);

-Draft list of indicators for the master plan performance monitoring

 Day 2:

-Discussion of comments on the draft Scoping Report (continued)

-interactive discussion of the outline of the Environmental report including:

o   Structure and content of individual chapters

o   Approach to environmental assessment of individual components of the Master Plan

o   Approach to the formulation of SEA mitigation measures

-Comments on the proposals of the local consultants, on indicators and presentation of examples from international and CZ experience

Discussion of the next steps, meetings, deadlines for reports, final consultations and of the role of the involved consultants.