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Implementing the Espoo Convention and its Protocol on SEA in national legislation in Azerbaijan

Implementing the Espoo Convention and its Protocol on SEA in national legislation in Azerbaijan

02 March 2015
Baku Azerbaijan

The activity was carried out with support of the EU funded Programme Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood (EaP-GREEN).

The round-table is organized by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe with the aim to discuss the draft Draft Law on Environmental Impact Assessment and to initiate its pilot application in the energy sector. 

With support provided by the Espoo Convention secretariat the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan improved the Draft Law on Environmental Impact Assessment (October - February 2015) and plans to submit it to the Government after the event. The adoption of the law will foster accession of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Protocol on SEA and facilitate further harmonisation of the national legislative framework with the requirements of the appropriate EU Directives.

Representatives of relevant Ministries, local authorities, members of Parliament as well as representatives from NGOs, consultancy community and private sector are invited to take part at the event and express their opinion on the draft law.

The round-table will be followed by a 2 days workshop on practical application of the Draft Law in the renewable energy sector

Document title    
Provisional agenda         ENG AZ
Report ENG  
List of Participants ENG  
Introduction to the UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention)

Mr. Cristian Olarean, Secretariat Espoo Convention and Protocol on SEA


Introduction to the UNECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Espoo Convention

Mr. Cristian Olarean, Secretariat Espoo Convention and Protocol on SEA


Introduction Greening Economies in Eastern Neighbourhood Programme (EaP GREEN) Technical advice and capacity-building to support the implementation of the Protocol: the role of the secretariat

Mr. Cristian Olarean, Secretariat Espoo Convention and Protocol on SEA


Existing environmental assessment framework in the Azerbaijan

Ms. Aysel Babayeva, Senior Advisor at MENR, State Environmental Expertise Department


Existing dilemmas regarding legislative reform of environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) frameworks in the countries with the Environmental Expertiza and OVOS systems

Mr. Jerzy Jendroska, UNECE Consultant


Introduction to the EU EIA and SEA Directives and role of EIA and SEA in development control and the role of authorities and other actors

Mr. Jerzy Jendroska, UNECE Consultant


EIA elements of an environmental assessment framework in light of practical experience in UNECE region

-          List of activities subject to EIA procedure

-          Approaches to screening

-          Scoping methods and preparation of an EIA report

Mr. Jerzy Jendroska, UNECE Consultant


SEA elements of an environmental assessment framework in light of practical experience in UNECE region

-          List of strategic documents subject to SEA procedure

-          Approaches to screening

-          Scoping methods and preparation of an SEA report

Jerzy Jendroska, UNECE Consultant


Procedures for consultations with the competent authorities and public participation in EIA and SEA systems

Mr. Jerzy Jendroska, UNECE Consultant


Transboundary consultations in EIA and SEA systems in light of international obligations

Mr. Jerzy Jendroska, UNECE Consultant


Incorporating results of EIA and SEA procedures into final project and strategic documents and final development decisions

Mr. Jerzy Jendroska, UNECE Consultant


Improvements in the Draft Law on EIA and its compliance with the Espoo Convention and its Protocol on SEA in Azerbaijan

Ms. Aysel Babayeva, Senior Advisor at MENR, State Environmental Expertise Department