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Kick-off workshop "Towards a modern Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Uzbekistan"

Kick-off workshop "Towards a modern Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Uzbekistan"

26 August 2018
Tashkent Uzbekistan

Recognising the potential of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for greening economies and ensuring incorporation of the environmental considerations into planning and designing economic activities, Uzbekistan has been expressing an increased interest in assessing feasibility of application of EIA procedures in its country. The Government of Uzbekistan requested to provide support to caring out legislative review and provide recommendations on how to amend the existing legislative system in order to introduce the modern environmental impact assessment into its national legislation.

The aim of the workshop is to support development of modern EIA system in Uzbekistan, to raise awareness of the representatives of environmental and sectoral authorities about the EIA benefits, and to share the best practices of EIA application in the UNECE region and to facilitate a discussion on the way forward to development of modern EIA system in Uzbekistan.

The kick-off workshop "Towards a modern Environmental Impact Assessment system in Uzbekistan" is organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in cooperation with the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Ecology and Environmental Protection and the CAREC office in Uzbekistan. The workshop gathered representatives of all relevant stakeholders - government officials from environmental, health and sectoral authorities of Uzbekistan, spectral governmental authorities, planning agencies and institutes, academics and practitioners, as well as representatives of NGOs.


Agenda ENG RUS
List of participants ENG RUS
Report ENG  

Concept of EIA under the Espoo Convention and other international standards 

Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert 


Place of EIA in development control and role of authorities and other actors

Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert 


EIA elements in light of practical experience in UNECE Region

Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert 


Scoping and EIA Report

Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert 


Public participation

Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert 


Transboundary procedures

Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert 



Taking into account results of EIA into the final decision regarding the project

Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert 


Post-project analysis

Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert 

Background materials     
Graph EIA Procedure in Europe   RUS
Graph Screening   RUS
Modern EIA in Ukraine   RUS
Law on Ecological Expertise (Republic of Uzbekistan)   RUS
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 31, 2001 N 491    RUS