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High-level webinar: UNECE IPO Publication Launch 2020

High-level webinar: UNECE IPO Publication Launch 2020

25 November 2020
Online Geneva Switzerland


The Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook 2020: Eastern Europe and South Caucasus (IPO) is a pilot United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) flagship publication, which will be launched through a high-level webinar on 25 November at 10:00 CET

The IPO supports the EESC sub-region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) through a concerted, systematic and comprehensive assessment and comparison of the scope, quality, and effectiveness of innovation policies, institutions and processes across countries with shared economic, structural, legacy and institutional features. The IPO complements international composite indices measuring innovation inputs, outputs and performance by looking more closely at the role that policies and institutions play in promoting innovation.

The IPO launch event will be opened by Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary of the UNECE, and brings together EESC ministers and deputy ministers, EESC innovation stakeholders, international experts, international organisations and the UNECE secretariat. Interpretation will be provided for both English and Russian during the webinar.

To register for the webinar, please click here. Only registered participants will receive the link by email to join the webinar.


Document's Title Eng Fre Rus
IPO launch programme pdf - pdf
Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook 2020:
  Eastern Europe and South Caucasus
pdf - pdf
    I. Introductory and summary chapters pdf - pdf
   II. Sub-regional analysis pdf - pdf
  III. Armenia country chapters pdf - pdf
  IV. Azerbaijan country chapters pdf - pdf
   V. Belarus country chapters pdf - pdf
  VI. Georgia country chapters pdf - pdf
 VII. Republic of Moldova country chapters pdf - pdf
VIII. Ukraine country chapters pdf - pdf