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Second Session of the Team of Specialists on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies

Second Session of the Team of Specialists on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies

14 - 15 February 2008
Geneva Switzerland


Document Title and Symbol ENG FRE RUS
Provisional Agenda ECE/CECI/ICP/2008/1 PDF PDF PDF
Programme PDF    


Document Title and Symbol ENG

Creating supportive framework conditions for enhancing
the innovative capacity of firms 

“Creating supportive framework conditions for enhancing the innovative
capacity of firms”
Charlie Karlsson - Professor of the Economics of Technological Change
and Director of CISEG (Centre for Innovation Systems, Entrepreneurship and Growth)
Jönköping International Business, School, Jönköping, Sweden
“Innovation policy mix as a chance to boost innovation potential of firms.
Polish experience”
Krzysztof Gulda - Director of Economy Development Department
Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Poland
“Innovation policy and problems of creation and development of the National Innovation System of Ukraine”
Igor Yegorov - Department Head, S&T Potential and Science History Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Seed-and-breed innovation-promotion institutions:
“BSR InnoNet and the European Cluster Memorandum”
Jens Erik Lund - Coordinator at Nordic Innovation Centre of the BSR InnoNet
“Science parks in the UK – part of the fabric of the innovation agenda”
Malcom Parry - Vice Chairman of the UK Science Park Association
Member of the Advisory Council of the International Association of Science Parks
“Clusters, science parks and regional development: Strategies and policies in Hungary”
Gábor Békés - Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
“Optimizing the functioning and effectiveness of innovation intermediaries”
Claire Nauwelaers - Research Director, UNU-MERIT
“Innovative support for innovative entrepreneurs; the EC-BIC approach”
Jacques Pronk – Special Advisor, European BIC Network (EBN)
“Structural Elements of Seed-and-Breed Assistance ( Russia)”
Ivan Bortnik – Director General
FASIE- Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises
Russian Federation
Strengthening industry-science links:
“Science - industry links in CEE and CIS: conventional policy wisdoms facing reality”
Slavo Radosevic - Professor of Industry and Innovation Studies
University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies
“Sectoral case study: Innovation and the software sector”
Piotr Stryszowski - Economist, Structural Policy Division
Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
“SBIR program and its impact on the commercialization activities of small companies”
Albert Link - Professor, Department of Economics
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
“The Czech Innovation Forum”
Anna Kaderabkova - Centre for Economic Studies
University of Economics and Management, Prague
“Science cities: Prototypical or Atypical”
Liana Marina Ranga - Assistant Professor in Innovation and Management
Newcastle University Business School
Supporting firms’ innovation skills and human capital:
“Skill formation and innovation - a macro and micro perspective”
Hannes Leo – Director, IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor
Bonn, Germany
Presentation by the “UNECE Secretariat :
“The Committee on Economic Cooperation and Integration:
Status of Programme Implementation and Prospects”
Rumen Dobrinsky – Economic Cooperation and Integragion Division