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Lesley SELDON, Shell

Subject: Comments to the Draft Specifications for Application of UNFC-2009 to Injection Projects for the Purpose of Geological Storage: from Lesley SELDON, Shell
22 May 2015

I think the document looks good and have two comments:

There is a mixed message between table 1 definition for ‘E1’ which says that all necessary approvals/contracts have been confirmed or there are reasonable expectations that all such approvals will be obtained vs  p8 (H.34.) which says that in order for an injection project to be classified as economically viable all required storage permits or other relevant permits must be in place. The issue of permits and licencing has been something I have struggled with a lot in my efforts to write internal guidelines for Shell – reasonable expectation is normally enough in the petroleum world although that is based on historic experience of obtaining permits for other projects.

Is it worth adding into section on units that CO2 storage resources are typically quoted in terms of mass rather than volume? This was a question from the EGRC meeting. Or do we assume that everyone who works in storage projects knows this already. Also I think that ideally the composition of the storage gas should be given with the storage capacity estimate. If the composition changes then the capacity will also change.
Comment from Lesley SELDON, Shell, to the Draft Specifications for Application of UNFC-2009 to Injection Projects for the Purpose of Geological Storage.