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Radoslav Vukas and Ana Dajović, Ministry of Mining and Energy, Republic of Serbia

Subject: Comments to the Draft Specifications for Application of UNFC-2009 to Injection Projects for the Purpose of Geological Storage: from Radoslav Vukas and Ana Dajović, Ministry of Mining and Energy, Republic of Serbia
14 September 2015

The document “Specifications for the Application of UNFC-2009 to Injection Projects for the purpose of geological storage" is of high quality.

In this document, in our personal opinion, there may be a need to add some small additions, for better understanding, and for the next part:

(1)     III. Injection projects definitions; A. Geological Storage, point 16 (page 5): In the text, after phrase: ... Deep subsurface geological formations; and in brackets, enter (about 1 km or more).

(2)  In part B. Defining the Project (page 6) are the terms the Injection Storage project and the project, but in Annex I (Glossary of Terms: page 19), there is no definition of the term Storage project. May be need added definition for the “Storage project”.

(3)  In Part F. Project Life Time (page 8), may be need to add life in years, if it is possible.

(4)  In part M. Evaluator Qualifications (page 14), may be add after: Evaluator must possess, adequate / specific academic qualifications.

(5)  In Annex I, it might be needed to add definitions for: Local Geological Study; Regional Geological study, Pilot studies and Development Plan.

In this moment, these are our comments.

Comment from Radoslav Vukas and Ana Dajović, Ministry of Mining and Energy, Republic of Serbia, to the Draft Specifications for Application of UNFC-2009 to Injection Projects for the Purpose of Geological Storage.