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Abdul Osman Kenan, Chief Geologist, Council for Geoscience, Pretoria, South Africa

Subject: Comments to the Draft Guidelines for the Application of UNFC-2009 to Uranium and Thorium Resources: from Council for Geoscience, South Africa
20 August 2015
The Council for Geoscience has gone through the two draft documents, and here are our comments:
1. The Competent Person is critical in reporting of mineral resources, and therefore inclusion of requirements for ‘Competent Person’ preparing the UNFC-2009 resource statements is advised.
2. The mineral industries, reporting their resources based on CRIRSCO Template such as the SAMREC Code, the “Additional Quantities in Place in the Known Deposits” category is not reported, and most likely not estimated at all. As the Council for Geoscience (South Africa) is in the process of using the UNFC-2009 in reporting the uranium and thorium resources, this category (Additional Quantities in Place in the Known Deposits) will not be reported in the immediate future.
Abdul Osman Kenan
Chief Geologist
Council for Geoscience
Pretoria, South Africa

Comments from Council for Geoscience, South Africa, to the Draft Guidelines for the Application of UNFC-2009 to Uranium and Thorium Resources.