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Fritz Barthel, Consultant

Subject: Comments to the Draft Guidelines for the Application of UNFC-2009 to Uranium and Thorium Resources: from Fritz BARTHEL, Consultant
17 August 2015
I am sending my comments to the draft guidelines on UNFC-2009 for Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Malawi, Niger and the USA.
The inputs provided by countries mentioned above are accepted in general. They demonstrate the use of UNFC-2009 for the classification of resources. Comparison is made with existing other classifications, e.g. those used by NEA/IAEA in the so called Red Book.
Although the stage of exploration in the countries mentioned is different it is shown, that UNFC-2009 can be applied in various phases and different stages of resource information. It should be emphasised that UNFC-2009 is not replacing detailed studies to be carried out, such as feasibility/ prefeasibility studies.
In general, the efforts of experts related to the studies presented are supported.
Comments from Fritz Barthel, Consultant, to the Draft Guidelines for the Application of UNFC-2009 to Uranium and Thorium Resources.