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M K Hamdan, PTTEP

Subject: Comments to the Draft Specifications for Application of UNFC-2009 to Injection Projects for the Purpose of Geological Storage: from M K Hamdan, PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP)
13 August 2015

Overall the document looks comprehensive and clear. Just some minor suggestions for consideration:

Para 28 : The "Development Plan" for injection projects usually ties in to a broader development scheme, where there are also production fields (source of gas) and injection site. Hence, when discussing about the "Development Plan", it is not clear in the paragraph whether it is just for the injection site, or the entire project as a whole. Economic evaluation just for injection site, can happen by itself but typically associated with the bigger development scheme - capture and injection.

Annex I
Porosity - The ratio of aggregated volume of interstices in a rock to its 'total' volume....

Reservoir - A subsurface body of rock with sufficient porosity and permeability to store and transmit fluids, and characterised by a single pressure system.

Comments from M K Hamdan, PTTEP, to the Draft Specifications for Application of UNFC-2009 to Injection Projects for the Purpose of Geological Storage.