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Oyedeji Oluwole A, Nigerian Geological Survey Agency

Subject: Comments to the Draft Guidelines for the Application of UNFC-2009 to Uranium and Thorium Resources: from Oyedeji Oluwole A, Nigerian Geological Survey Agency
8 July 2015
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this review exercise on the above subject matter.
The guidelines in my opinion are comprehensive. They cover the various international reporting standards and other nationally adopted systems.
Worthy of note and mentioning is the mapping of the standards with the specific bridging implications. This addresses the gaps and the overlaps which can be taken care of when adopting any of the standards. The application to uranium and thorium resources are well spelt out and barring any future developments, I think the UNFC-2009 if well understood and followed can be adequately applied to these resources in every land and clime as seen in the case studies.
Comments from Oyedeji Oluwole A, Nigerian Geological Survey Agency, to the Draft Guidelines for the Application of UNFC-2009 to Uranium and Thorium Resources.