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Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/20 including the outcome of the TF on ADAS meeting, end of August 2023
Note: The draft regulation amendment was produced in English by the Task Force on ADAS. the French and Russian versions of the document were not produced by the UN Secretariat. Any inconsistencies in these two languages (e.g. terms) would need to be addressed with corrigenda.
Note: The draft regulation has produced in English by the Task Force on ADAS. the French and Russian versions of the document were not produced by the UN Secretariat. Any inconsistencies in these two languages (e.g. terms) would need to be addressed with corrigenda.
Reissued for technical reasons on 24 September 2024: the last slide was added to the slide deck.
*This document was reissued on 27 September 2024 at 12:00 to reflect the additions discussed during the session