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Abstract - The gender pay gap is a simple indicator, which is widely used to monitor gender inequalities in earnings. In unadjusted form, it measures the differences between the average earnings of men versus women.
European microdata, detailed microdata, remote access, statistical disclosure control
noise-based approaches, statistical confidentiality, maximum noise magnitude,
Financial corporations and interest rates. Sectors’ interest rates sensitivity, FISIM.
- Interest rates sensitivity of sectors
- The financial intermediation services in directly measured (FISIM)
Monetary aggregates and financial accounts. Correction of the exercise
This analysis shows how European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) measures the effectiveness of social transfers in poverty reduction and inform social policy development within the European Union (EU).
The new EU regulation for social surveys, in force since 2021, foresees a minimum coverage of income, consumption and wealth data in two existing EU social surveys (EU Statistics on income and living conditions - EU-SILC and Household budget survey - HBS).
Impact of social transfers on poverty – evidence from EU-SILC data, Alessandro Albano, Eurostat