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10th reporting round (2019–2022)

Parties and committed countries have developed good practices and guidelines related to the implementation of the UNECE Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents. Other countries can refer to these and consider their use for strengthening the implementation of the Convention and its working areas. The table below contains the good practices reported by Parties and committed countries in their national implementation reports from the Convention’s tenth reporting round (2019-2022) and additional good practices identified by the Working Group on Implementation when reviewing those reports. Should questions arise regarding these good practices, please contact the Focal Point of the Party or country. A list of all Focal Points can be found here.

Identification and notification of hazardous activities
Country Description of Good Practice Links by language


Annual catalogue of Natech scenarios to address challenges and to adapt scenario exercises**

Not provided


  • Guidelines for the classification of establishments/facilities in accordance with the criteria of Annex 3 EPA*
  • Guidelines for assessing the dangers of major accidents with dangerous substances from Annex 3 EPA - criteria and approach to risk assessment*
  • Guidance on Major Accident Risk Analysis* Guidance on the preparation of the Major Accident Prevention Policy Report and the introduction of a Safety Measures Management System*
  • Guidance on the preparation of a safety report*
  • Guidelines for the classification of establishments/facilities (BG)



  • Map application of dangerous establishments to inform the public and people at risk and to provide information to various authorities, which are related to risk analyses, spatial planning and preparedness planning
  • Map of dangerous establishments (ET)


  • Guidance to facilities on how to prepare for security threats: “Turvauhkiin varautuminen vaarallisten kemikaalien käsittelyssä ja varastoinnissa”
  • Safe handling and storage of dangerous chemicals (Vaarallisten kemikaalien käsittely ja varastointi)
  • The siting of industrial facilities (Tuotantolaitosten sijoittaminen)
  • Guide for preparing the internal emergency plan (Tukes-ohje 8-2015 sisäinen pelastussuunnitelma)
  • Prevention of chemical leaks and handling fire extinguishing waste water (Kemikaalivuotojen ja sammutusjätevesien hallinta)
  • Information on website of the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (EN) (FI)



  • Major Accident Ordinance to assess risks arising from hazardous activities, including Natech**
  • Status paper (DE), Guidance (DE)


  • Natech guidance (2016)
  • Guidance (HU)


  • Guidelines for preparing safety reports for high-risk facilities*
  • Safety requirements for land-use around high-risk facilities in Riga
  • Guidelines (LV)
  • Safety Requirements (LV)


  • Website listing Seveso establishments, including those identified as hazardous activities under the Convention*

Website information (LU)

  • Guidelines for quantitative risk analysis of facilities handling hazardous substances
  • Guidance on Natech risk
  • Guidance on safety in the vicinity of major accidents facilities (Seveso and Industrial Accidents Convention)
  • Information on what are you entitled to know about nearby industrial companies
  • Information for neighbors of storage facilities of explosives and fireworks
  • Other guides covering relevant topics for major accidents facilities, such as Major Accident Prevention Plans, information for first responders and municipalities regarding emergency preparedness
  • Guidelines (EN)
  • Guidance (NO)
  • Guidance (NO)
  • Information (EN)
  • Information (EN)
  • Other guides (NO


Methodology in dealing with matters related to the prevention of major industrial accidents*

Not available


  • Methodological manuals*
  • Information system for the prevention of serious industrial accidents*
  • Documents (SK)
  • Information system (EN) (SK)

United Kingdom

  • Major Hazard leadership guide
  • Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations guide
  • Cyber Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) Operational Guidance
  • Leadership guide (EN)
  • Control guide (EN)
  • Cyber Security Guidance (EN)




Description of Good Practice

Links by language


Recommendations of The Austrian Working Group on Seveso:

  • No.1 Basis for determining appropriate safety distances for the purposes of regional planning
  • No. 2 Technical equipment and operation of loading facilities for Liquefied Petroleum Gas
  • No. 3 Seveso inspection catalogue for the safety management system

Recommendations (DE):

  • No.1 (DE)
  • No.2 (DE)
  • No.3 (DE)


  • Guidelines for assessing the dangers of major accidents with dangerous substances from Annex 3 EPA*
  • Guidance on Major Accident Risk Analysis*
  • Guidance on the preparation of the Major Accident Prevention Policy Report and the introduction of a Safety Measures Management System*
  • Guidance on the preparation of a safety report*
  • Guidelines for the preparation of information on planned safety measures and behavior upon the occurrence of a major accident in lower and upper-tier facilities*
  • Guidelines (BG)


  • Guidelines for establishments on risk assessment, emergency plans and beyond
  • Map application of dangerous establishments to inform the public and people at risk and to provide information to various authorities, which are related to risk analyses, spatial planning and preparedness planning
  • Information on different guidelines (ET)
  • Map of Dangerous establishments(ET)




  • Guidance to facilities on how to prepare for security threats. The guide  "Turvauhkiin varautuminen vaarallisten kemikaalien käsittelyssä ja varastoinnissa".
  • Safe handling and storage of dangerous chemicals (Vaarallisten kemikaalien käsittely ja varastointi)
  • The siting of industrial facilities (Tuotantolaitosten sijoittaminen)
  • Prevention of chemical leaks and handling fire extinguishing waste water (Kemikaalivuotojen ja sammutusjätevesien hallinta)

Information on website of the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (EN) (FI)



  • The Commission on Process Safety (KAS) supported the federal government on process safety issues, including through guidelines and reports
  • Joint Expert Group (JEG) on Water and Industrial Accidents
  • Guidance paper for categorizing waste under Annex I of the Convention / Annex I of the Seveso-III-Directive/Major Accident Ordinance (KAS-61)**
  • KAS (EN) (DE)
  • JEG (EN)
  • Guidance paper (DE)


  • Guidelines regarding prevention and preparedness, such as on risks of ageing, subcontractors and ammonia**
  • Annual seminars for operators, safety consultants and experts since 2015, concerning industrial safety topics**

Guidance (HU)



Guidelines for preparing of safety reports for high-risk facilities*

Guidelines (LV)



Website listing Seveso establishments, including establishments identified as hazardous activities under the Convention*

Website information (LU)


  • Guidelines for quantitative risk analysis of facilities handling hazardous substances
  • Guidance on Natech risk
  • Guidance on safety in the vicinity of major accidents facilities (Seveso and Industrial Accidents Convention)
  • Information on what are you entitled to know about nearby industrial companies
  • Information for neighbors of storage facilities of explosives and fireworks
  • Report of Analysis of Crisis Scenarios 2019: Chapter 10 covers scenarios from chemical and explosives incidents*
  • Methodology document for the method and process for producing Analyses of Crisis Scenarios*
  • Guidelines (EN)
  • Guidance (NO)
  • Guidance (NO)
  • Information (EN)
  • Information (EN)
  • Other guides (NO)
  • Report (EN)
  • Methodology document (EN)


Methodology in dealing with matters related to the prevention of major industrial accidents*

Not available

Rep. of Moldova

  • Lessons learned in the project on hazard and crisis management in the Danube Delta carried out within the Convention’s Assistance and Cooperation Programme*
  • Natech risk assessment with RAPID-N: Giurgiulesti International Free Port*
  • Participation in the Project of Risk Assessment of Industrial Accidents and Enforcement of Cross-Border Obligations (RIECO) Workshop*
  • Lessons learned (EN)
  • Natech risk assessment (EN)
  • RIECO Workshop (EN)


  • Methodological manuals*
  • Information system for the prevention of major industrial accidents*
  • Documents (SK)
  • Information system (EN) (SK)


  • Major Accident prevention for refrigeration systems*
  • Handbooks for chemical installations, installations with dangerous micro-organisms and rail and road routes which dangerous goods are transported
  • Criteria for the evaluation of the risk to the public and the environment due to major accidents in fixed installations or during the transport of dangerous goods
  • Guidance for the safety reporting and/or risk assessment of LPG storage facilities, refrigerating plants using ammonia, fuel and oil storage facilities, ammonium nitrate fertilizer storage, land-use planning
  • Accident Prevention for refrigeration systems (DE)
  • Publications (FR) (DE)
  • Threshold (FR) (DE)
  • Revised Major Accidents Ordinance (DE) (FR) (IT) (EN)

United Kingdom

  • Major Hazard leadership guide
  • Flood preparedness guidance
  • Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations guide
  • Cyber Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) Operational Guidance
  • Leadership Guide (EN)
  • Guidance (EN)
  • Guide (EN)
  • Cyber Security Guidance (EN)


Emergency preparedness/response


Description of Good Practice

Links by language


Recommendations of the Austrian Working Group on Seveso:

  • No.1 Basis for determining appropriate safety distances for the purposes of regional planning
  • No. 2 Technical equipment and operation of loading facilities for Liquefied Petroleum Gas
  • No. 3 Seveso inspection catalogue for the safety management system
  • No. 9 Seveso inspection catalogue for public information system
  • Contingency planning to support national or regional authorities or operators: Crisis and disaster management**

Recommendations (DE)

  • No.1 (DE)
  • No.2 (DE)
  • No.3 (DE)
  • No.9 (DE)
  • Document (DE)


Seveso risk portal in Belgium

Seveso risk portal (NL) (FR) (DE) (EN)


  • Protection of the population from disasters, accidents and emergencies: National Disaster Protection Plan
  • National program for Disaster Risk Reduction 2021-2025
  • Guidelines for the development of disaster protection plans
  • Plan (BG)
  • Program (BG)
  • Guidelines (BG)

Czech republic

Legal framework for the prevention of major accidents**

Framework (CS)


  • Emergency plan: guidance for establishments how to prepare emergency plan
  • Different guidelines for establishments (e.g. risk assessment, emergency plans)
  • Emergency plan (ET)
  • Information for different guidelines (ET)


JRC publications on Chemical and Natech Accident Risk b

Publications (EN)


  • Guidance on how to prepare for security threats to facilities (Turvauhkiin varautuminen vaarallisten kemikaalien käsittelyssä ja varastoinnissa)
  • Safe handling and storage of dangerous chemicals (Vaarallisten kemikaalien käsittely ja varastointi)
  • The siting of industrial facilities (Tuotantolaitosten sijoittaminen).
  • Guide for preparing internal emergency plans (Tukes-ohje 8-2015 sisäinen pelastussuunnitelma)
  • Prevention of chemical leaks and handling of fire extinguishing waste water (Kemikaalivuotojen ja sammutusjätevesien hallinta)

Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency website (EN) (FI)



  • Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents*
  • Sample concept for emergency planning (Musterkonzept für die Notfallplanung)**
  • Sample external emergency plan § 48 HBKG in Hesse**
  • JEG (EN)
  • Sample concept (DE)
  • Sample plan (DE)


Guidance and guidelines for the operators and other relevant parties on supervision of dangerous plants**

  • Guidance (HU)


  • LT72 website intended to prepare Lithuanian residents for emergencies
  • Guidelines for the Preparation of Internal Emergency Plan of Dangerous Establishment**
  • Guidelines for the Preparation of Emergency Management Plan**
  • Regulations on the Preparation of Civil Protection Exercises**
  • Guidelines for the Preparation of Civil Protection Exercises and Their Evaluation**
  • Guidelines for Risk Analysis of Potential Hazards and Emergencies**
  • Guidelines for the Preparation of Safety Report of Dangerous Establishments**
  • Website (LT) (RU) (EN)
  • Guidelines (LT) (EN)
  • Guidelines (LT)
  • Regulations (LT)
  • Guidelines (LT)
  • Guidelines (LT)
  • Guidelines (LT)


  • Guidelines for quantitative risk analysis of hazardous facilities
  • Guidance on Natech risk
  • Guidance on safety in the vincinity of major accidents facilities
  • Information on what are you entitled to know about nearby industrial companies
  • Guidance to holistic risk assessment in the municipality
  • Risk assessment of fire in lithium-ion batteries
  • Report of Analysis of Crisis Scenarios 2019: Chapter 10 on chemical/explosives incidents* and Methodology document*
  • Safe storage of ammonium nitrate products
  • Guidance for risk assessment of intentional events, involving hazardous substances
  • Guidelines (EN)
  • Guidance (NO)
  • Guidance (NO)
  • Information (EN)
  • Information (EN)
  • Several Guidelines (NO)
  • Guidance in 2019 (EN), 2022-edition in Norwegian (NO)
  • Risk assessment (EN)
  • Report (EN)
  • Methodology document (NO)
  • Safe storage (EN)
  • Guidance (NO)
  • Guidance (EN)
  • Instructions (EN)


Methodology in dealing with matters related to the prevention of major industrial accidents*

Not available


  • Guidelines for drafting External Emergency Plans**
  • Guidelines (EN)

Rep. of Moldova

  • Lessons learned in the project on hazard and crisis management in the Danube Delta carried out within the Assistance Programme of the UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention *
  • Natech risk assessment with RAPID-N: Giurgiulesti International Free Port*
  • Participation in the Project of Risk Assessment of Industrial Accidents and Enforcement of Cross-Border Obligations (RIECO) Workshop*
  • Lessons learned (EN)
  • Natech risk assessment (EN)
  • RIECO Workshop (EN)


  • Methodological manuals*
  • Information system for the prevention of serious industrial accidents*
  • Methodology on contingency plans**
  • Documents (SK)
  • Information system (EN) (SK)
  • Methodology(SK)


  • Emergency planning
  • Hazardous activities obligation to report accidents and incidents**
  • Action planning**
  • Emergency planning (SV)
  • Obligation (SV)
  • Action planning (SV)


Major Accident prevention for refrigeration systems*

Accident Prevention for refrigeration systems (DE)

United Kingdom

  • Flood preparedness guidance
  • Offsite emergency planning guide
  • Guide to the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015
  • Internal Emergency Planning Delivery Guide**
  • Preparation and planning for emergencies: responsibilities of responder agencies and others**
  • Guidance (EN)
  • Offsite guide (EN)
  • Guide (EN)
  • Internal Guide (EN)
  • Guidance (EN)


  • Article 130 of the Civil Protection Code of Ukraine**
  • Resolution No. 223 "On Approval of the State Emergency Response Plan"**
  • Resolution No. 626 "On Approval of the Procedure for Developing Action Plans of the Unified State Civil Protection System"**
  • Order No. 253 "On Approval of the Methodological Recommendations for the Development of Plans for Localization and Elimination of Accidents and Their Consequences"*
  • Article 130 (UA)
  • Resolution in 2018 (UA)
  • Resolution in 2017 (UA)
  • Order documents (UA) and (UA)


Mutual assistance   



Description of Good Practice

Links by language


Agreement with the three neighboring countries for mutual assistance in case of disaster or serious accident

Not provided

Rep. of Moldova

Lessons learned in the project on hazard and crisis management in the Danube Delta carried out within the Assistance Programme of the UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention

Lessons learned (EN)


Scientific and technological cooperation and exchange of information


Description of Good Practice

Links by language


  • Guidelines provided by the State Working Group on Emission Control (LAI)
  • Guidelines (DE)


  • Joint supervision and inspection of dangerous establishments for disaster risk reduction, including provisions for joint inspections of upper tier establishments**
  • EX ANTE report and municipal emergency plans referring to scenarios for emergency preparedness and response**
  • Instructions (HU)
  • Not provided


  • Cross-border Cooperation Programme with Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus to improve risk management system and equipment with projects in the period 2017-2020**
  • Programme (EN)


  • Report of Analysis of Crisis Scenarios 2019: Chapter 10 covers scenarios from chemical and explosives incidents*
  • Methodology document for the method and process for producing Analyses of Crisis Scenarios*
  • Safe storage of ammonium nitrate products - scientific framework for government regulations
  • Guidance for risk assessment of intentional events, involving hazardous substances
  • Report (EN)
  • Methodology document (NO)
  • Safe storage (EN)
  • Guidance (NO)


Methodology in dealing with matters related to the prevention of major industrial accidents*

Not available

Rep. of Moldova

  • Natech risk assessment with RAPID-N: Giurgiulesti International Free Port*
  • Participation in the Project of Risk Assessment of Industrial Accidents and Enforcement of Cross-Border Obligations (RIECO) Workshop*
  • Natech risk assessment (EN)
  • RIECO Workshop (EN)


Information to and participation of the public


Description of Good Practice

Links by language


Recommendations of the Austrian Working Group on Seveso:

  • No.1 Basis for determining appropriate safety distances for the purposes of regional planning
  • No. 9 Seveso inspection catalogue for public information system

Recommendations (DE):

  • No.1 (DE)
  • No.9 (DE)


Seveso risk portal in Belgium

Seveso risk portal (NL) (FR) (DE) (EN)


Guidelines for the preparation of information on planned safety measures and behavior upon the occurrence of a major accident in lower and upper-tier establishments/facilities*

Guidelines (BG)


  • Informing the public about safety measures and notifications of an accident: Guidance for establishments on how to prepare leaflets *
  • Map-application of dangerous establishments, to inform the public and the people at risk and to provide information to various authorities which are related to risk analyses, spatial planning, and preparedness planning
  • Threat notification to people in the danger area from the EE-ALARM short message**
  • National network of warning sirens under development
  • "Be prepared" guidelines (with mobile application) and "Be prepared" and "Crisis" webpages**
  • Guidance on Estonian Rescue Board (ET)
  • Map of Dangerous establishments (ET)
  • "Be prepared" guidelines (EN)
  • Webpages (EN) (EN)


Special emergency warning manual**

Not provided


Guidelines for preparing of the safety report for object with increased danger*

Guidelines (LV)


  • Information and awareness campaign relating to establishments concerned**

Not provided


  • Guidance to holistic risk and vulnerability assessment in the municipality
  • Report of Analysis of Crisis Scenarios 2019: Chapter 10 covers scenarios from chemical and explosives incidents*
  • Methodology document for the method and process for producing Analyses of Crisis Scenarios*
  • Requirement on public hearings to be posted on authorities’ webpages**
  • Guidance in 2019 (EN), a new 2022-edition only in Norwegian (NO)
  • Report (EN)
  • Methodology document (NO)
  •  Examples of Public hearings (NO)


Methodology in dealing with matters related to the prevention of major industrial accidents*

Not available


  • Working Group to promote actions for vulnerable groups of the population**
  • Guidelines for drafting External Emergency Plans**
  • Not provided
  • Guidelines (EN)


Information to the public

Document (SV)

United Kingdom

Major Hazard leadership guide


Leadership Guide (EN)



Decision-making on siting and land-use planning


Description of Good Practice

Links by language


Recommendations of the Austrian Working Group on Seveso: No.1 Basis for determining appropriate safety distances for the purposes of regional planning

Recommendations (DE):

  • No.1 (DE)


  • Guidelines regarding the procedures for environmental impact assessments*
  • Guidelines regarding the procedures for ecological assessments*
  • Guidelines for environmental impact assessment (BG)
  • Guidelines for ecological assessments(BG)


  • Land-use planning: guidance and presentations for land-use planning
  • Map-application of dangerous establishments
  • LUP documents (ET)
  • Map of Dangerous establishments (ET)



Safety requirements for land-use around hazardous installations in Riga

Safety Requirements (LV)


  • Guidelines for quantitative risk analysis of facilities handling hazardous substances
  • Guidance on Natech risk
  • Guidance on safety in the vicinity of major accidents facilities (Seveso and Industrial Accidents Convention)
  • Information on what are you entitled to know about nearby industrial companies
  • Information for neighbors of storage facilities of explosives and fireworks
  • Report of Analysis of Crisis Scenarios 2019: Chapter 10 covers scenarios from chemical and explosives incidents*
  • Methodology document for the method and process for producing Analyses of Crisis Scenarios*
  • Guidelines (EN)
  • Guidance (NO)
  • Guidance (NO)
  • Information (EN)
  • Information (EN)
  • Several Guidelines(NO)
  • Report(EN)
  • Methodology document (NO)


  • Methodology of determining a safe distance when choosing the location of establishments that may pose major accident hazards*
  • Methodology in dealing with matters related to the prevention of major industrial accidents*

Not available


  • Methodological manuals*
  • Information system for the prevention of serious industrial accidents*
  • Documents (SK)
  • Information system (EN) (SK)


Planning guide on coordination of spatial planning and prevention of major accidents (Guide de planification Coordination aménagement du territoire et prévention des accidents majeurs)

Guide (FR)


* Indicates the good practice has a transboundary component

** Indicates the good practice was identified by the Working Group on Implementation, in cooperation with the secretariat, while analyzing the national implementation reports