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52nd session

Informal Documents - 52nd Session (6 - 9 June 2006)

NOTE: As part of the secretariat's effort to reduce expenditure, informal documents made available one week prior to the session on this website will not be available in the conference room for distribution to session participants. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to the meeting.
No. 16 -  (Japan) Report of the WWH-OBD informal group to GRPE
English only PPT (259 KB) PDF (123 KB)
No. 15 -  (USA/OCE) Off-Cycle Emissions gtr - Status report for GRPE
English only PPT(73 KB) PDF(99 KB)
No. 14 - (WHDC) Report on the 19th meeting of the GRPE working group on the Worldwide harmonized Heavy-Duty Certification Procedure (WHDC)
English only DOC (49 KB) PDF (18 KB)
No. 13 - (UK/PMP) PMP Chairman's summary (January-May 2006)
English only DOC (86 KB) PDF (57 KB)
No. 12 - (ISO) Contribution to the WWH-OBD gtr
English only - - - - PDF (1718 KB)
No. 11 - (Germany) Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 110
English only DOC (42 KB) PDF (20 KB)
No. 10 -  (India) Justification for proposed amendment (via informal document No. GRPE-50-8) to ECE Regulation No. 67 (LPG) (Endurance requirements for pressure regulator)
English only DOC (25 KB) PDF (14 KB)
No. 9 -  (OICA) ACEA PM-3 programme (Task Force Particulates)
English only PPT (1441     KB) PDF (1219 KB)
No. 8 -  (OICA) Why the PMP laboratory verification study is not a sufficient basis for establishing particle number limit values
English only DOC (109 KB) PDF (201 KB)
No. 7 -  (USA/OCE) Minutes of the thirteenth plenary meeting of the working group on Off-Cycle Emissions (GRPE-OCE), 5 and 6 April 2006, The Hague, Netherlands
English only DOC(91 KB) PDF (113 KB)
No. 6 - (D/WMTC) Status report on WMTC / Stage 2 transmitted by the WMTC-Fundamental Element Group
English only DOC(30 KB) PDF (25 KB)
No. 5 - (EC/NRMM) Draft minutes of the NRMM WG meeting, held in Ispra, DG-JRC, Eorpean Commission, on 26 and 27 April 2006
English only DOC(36 KB) PDF (26 KB)
No. 4 - (Sweden) Information about high evaporative emissions and its relation to blending of ethanol into petrol
English only DOC(24 KB) PDF (13 KB)
No. 3 - (EC/WHDC) Progress report on the draft global technical regulation on World-wide harmonized Heavy-Duty Certification (WHDC)
English only DOC(65 KB) PDF (12 KB)
No. 2 - (USA/OCE) Minutes of the twelfth plenary meeting of the working group on Off-Cycle Emissions (GRPE-OCE), 18 January 2006, Geneva
English only DOC(66 KB)   PDF (21 KB)
No. 1 -  (USA/OCE) Minutes of the eleventh plenary meeting of the working group on Off-Cycle Emissions (GRPE-OCE), 13 and 14 September 2005, Chicago
English only DOC(101KB)    PDF (70 KB)