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WP.7 Publications

Displaying Results 1 - 20 of 23

- Français
À l’heure actuelle, plus d’un tiers de la nourriture produite est perdue ou gaspillée le long des chaînes d’approvisionnement et au niveau des consommateurs, ce qui a des répercussions considérables sur la disponibilité de la nourriture et sur la durabilité environnementale des systèmes
- English
Currently over a third of all food produced is lost or wasted along supply chains and at consumer levels, with considerable impacts on both the availability of food and the environmental sustainability of food systems. The challenge is particularly pronounced for fresh fruit and vegetables, which
- Pусский
В настоящее время более трети всего производимого продовольствия теряется или превращается в отходы по цепочкам поставок и на уровне потребителей, что оказывает значительное влияние как на доступность продовольствия, так и на экологическую устойчивость продовольственных систем. Особенно остро эта
- Pусский
Укрепление потенциала является одним из основных аспектов налаживания и обеспечения производства высококачественного семенного картофеля. Настоящее Руководство предназначено для организации курсов или семинаров по укреплению потенциала в странах, которые еще не создали систему семенного картофеля,
- Français
Le renforcement des capacités joue un rôle important puisqu’il permet d’organiser et d’assurer la production de plants de pomme de terre de qualité. Ce Guide est destiné aux séminaires ou formations sur le renforcement des capacités dans les pays qui n’ont pas encore mis en place un système de
- English
Capacity-building is a major aspect to establish and ensure the production of high-quality seed potatoes. This Guide is aimed for capacity-building courses or seminars in countries that have not yet implemented a Seed Potato Scheme but are intending to adopt the UNECE Seed Potato Standard or
- English
This document presents the eQuality Certification system processes and business requirements for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables covered by marketing standards. It provides a high level functional description of the main business processes  to be managed by an electronic Conformity Certificate
- English
Food loss and waste is no longer a negligible nuisance, it has become a sizeable and growing problem in the context of a rapidly increasing population with food and energy needs; environmental degradation, climate change, fluctuating prices and production pressures. A simple methodology aimed to
- English
The ‎UN World Food Systems Summit (FSS) 2021 marks a ‎‎‎‎milestone to promote actions that aim at overcoming challenges and delivering healthier, more ‎‎‎‎sustainable, and inclusive food systems and to deliver progress globally across all the Sustainable Development ‎‎‎Goals (SDGs). In that respect
- English
Inshell Walnuts Poster The UNECE standard applies to inshell walnuts* free from outer husks, of varieties (cultivars) grown from Juglans regia L., intended for direct consumption or for food when intended to be mixed with other products for direct consumption without further processing. It does not
- English
A Code of Good Practice which helps maintain quality along the fresh fruit and vegetables supply chains, to prevent and reduce food loss and waste. It sets out measures to be taken at the various stages of the supply chain before the fruit and vegetables reach the consumer, i.e. from harvest to
- English
This guide (ECE(TRADE/434) has been developed to assist Certifying Authorities (CAs) in the operation of their seed potato certification service and to encourage standardisation in the operation of seed potato certification services between CAs. The guide is also intended to assist countries that
- English
The Explanatory Brochure on the Standard for Sweet Peppers has been developed to harmonize the interpretation of the Standard, thereby facilitating international as well as national trade. It addresses producers and traders, as well as inspection authorities. It corresponds to the latest edition
- English
This Guide refers to the UNECE STANDARD S-1, concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of Seed Potatoes. Knowledge of the relevant requirements is essential for the inspector. Inspection is the visual examination of plants, tubers, containers, equipment or facilities by an authorized
- English
Persimmons - Explanatory Brochure (ECE/TRADE/417) The Explanatory Brochure on the Standard for Persimmons (ECE/TRADE/417) has been developed to harmonize the interpretation of the Standard, thereby facilitating international as
- Pусский
Сертификация семенного картофеля представляет собой процесс обеспечения качества семенного картофеля, реализуемого на рынке. Обычно сертификация проводится на национальном уровне согласно установленным стандартам. Посадка здорового семенного картофеля является одним из ключевых факторов увеличения
- Français
La certification des plants de pomme de terre est l’aboutissement d’un processus de contrôle visant à garantir la qualité des plants commercialisés; elle est en principe réalisée selon des normes règlementaires nationales. Utiliser des plants sains est un facteur déterminant pour porter à son
- English
Seed potato certification is the process of assuring the quality of seed potatoes being marketed, usually done nationally according to regulated standards. Planting healthy seed potatoes is a key factor in maximizing the production of usable potatoes for consumption or processing. The United
- English
Commercial quality standards for agricultural produce are developed and approved by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe through its Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards. These international standards facilitate trade, encourage high-quality production, improve
- English
Commercial quality standards for agricultural produce are developed and approved by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe through its Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards. These international standards facilitate trade, encourage high-quality production, improve profitability