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Guide to Seed Potato Diseases, Pests and Defects (ECE/TRADE/416)

cover of publication with photo of seed potatoes on it

Seed potato certification is the process of assuring the quality of seed potatoes being marketed, usually done nationally according to regulated standards. Planting healthy seed potatoes is a key factor in maximizing the production of usable potatoes for consumption or processing.

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Standard for Seed Potatoes sets out a common terminology and minimum requirements for certifying high-quality seed potatoes for international trade. It defines minimum requirements at the export-control point and prescribes tolerances for diseases, defects and faults in crop, lot or succeeding crop (direct progeny).

This Guide to Seed Potato Diseases, Pests and Defects provides a pictorial reference to pests and diseases affecting potato quality, as a complement and aid to using the Standard. The guide is intended to assist seed potato inspectors and producers in assessing seed potato quality. It is not an exhaustive list of pests and pathogens of potatoes, but focuses on the most common faults relevant to seed potato production and trade.

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