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Displaying Results 21 - 40 of 67

- English
Capacity-building is a major aspect to establish and ensure the production of high-quality seed potatoes. This Guide is aimed for capacity-building courses or seminars in countries that have not yet implemented a Seed Potato Scheme but are intending to adopt the UNECE Seed Potato Standard or national rules based on the Standard. Capacity-building in the framework of the UNECE Standard not only
- English
This document presents the eQuality Certification system processes and business requirements for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables covered by marketing standards. It provides a high level functional description of the main business processes  to be managed by an electronic Conformity Certificate management system for Fresh Fruit and vegetables . This functional system specification can be used as a
- English
Food loss and waste is no longer a negligible nuisance, it has become a sizeable and growing problem in the context of a rapidly increasing population with food and energy needs; environmental degradation, climate change, fluctuating prices and production pressures. A simple methodology aimed to systematically measuring the food lost and wasted at several key points of the fresh produce supply
- English
Recommendation 47 outlines measures to mitigate the adverse impact of a pandemic such as COVID-19 on trade flows. Such pandemics have revealed the challenges of facing a health crisis and its impact on society and economies which could potentially leave lasting scars on the global economy. Download: 
- English
Transportation demand is forecasted to triple by 2050. Keeping track of that intensification of transportation is imperative for all supply chain stakeholders. Motivated by factors such as operational efficiency standards, competitive pressures, heightened customer expectations and governmental regulations, both public and private organizations are searching for mechanisms to reduce risks by
- English
The COVID-19 pandemic has sunk the global economy into the deepest recession in decades and continues to take an unprecedented toll on human health and life. In an effort to contain and prevent the spread of the disease, governments across the globe, imposed restrictions on movement. Border closures and partial or full lockdowns became the new normal in many parts of the world. The pandemic and
- English
Improving traceability and transparency has become a priority for the garment and footwear industry. Consumers, governments, and civil society are demanding responsible business conduct and are calling upon the industry to identify and address actual and potential negative impacts in the areas of human rights, the environment, and human health. By creating enhanced visibility in value chains,
- English
The UNECE Regional Report 2021 on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation has been produced based on the results of the United Nations Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation. The Global Survey (ECE/TRADE/467) is a joint initiative under the Joint United Nations Regional Commissions’ Approach,
- English
The ‎UN World Food Systems Summit (FSS) 2021 marks a ‎‎‎‎milestone to promote actions that aim at overcoming challenges and delivering healthier, more ‎‎‎‎sustainable, and inclusive food systems and to deliver progress globally across all the Sustainable Development ‎‎‎Goals (SDGs). In that respect this report was prepared to provide harmonized pathways and game changers to overcome common and
- English
The National Trade Facilitation Roadmap of the Kyrgyz Republic 2021-2025 serves as the guiding framework for comprehensive national trade facilitation reforms over a five-year period. The Roadmap sets out a strategic vision and respective goals and activities for the Kyrgyz Republic to implement. Through these activities the Kyrgyz Republic can transform its trade facilitation services to
- English
Inshell Walnuts Poster The UNECE standard applies to inshell walnuts* free from outer husks, of varieties (cultivars) grown from Juglans regia L., intended for direct consumption or for food when intended to be mixed with other products for direct consumption without further processing. It does not apply to inshell walnuts that are processed by salting, sugaring, flavouring, roasting or for
- English
A Code of Good Practice which helps maintain quality along the fresh fruit and vegetables supply chains, to prevent and reduce food loss and waste. It sets out measures to be taken at the various stages of the supply chain before the fruit and vegetables reach the consumer, i.e. from harvest to retail and supports continued improvement, step by step. Real improvement, however, can only be
- English
Gender Responsive Standards publication (ECE/TRADE/445) makes the case for mainstreaming gender in the development and implementation of standards. The first chapter places the discussion in the larger perspective of how standards contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030. It reviews the role of
- English
This guide (ECE(TRADE/434) has been developed to assist Certifying Authorities (CAs) in the operation of their seed potato certification service and to encourage standardisation in the operation of seed potato certification services between CAs. The guide is also intended to assist countries that are not implementing the Standard to establish a seed potato certification system and a CA and
- English
This publication (ECE/TRADE/444) presents the results of an ongoing research on the practical experience of regulatory authorities, governments and local administrations, as well as regional groups of countries, in using standards towards sustainable development and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The focus of the present volume
- English
This Guide (ECE/TRADE/441) is a practical tool to help trainers in the preparation, delivery and follow up to a set of training workshops.   Both this guide and the workshop materials have been prepared by the UNECE Secretariat, with the support of subject matter experts as well as training experts. All training materials can be
- English
This Publication (ECE/TRADE/440) advocates for integrating education about standardization into the curricula of educational establishments. It presents evidence of the relevance of standards for policymakers and business executives as well as professionals. It then reviews the efforts of UNECE since 2012 to date to improve education about
- English
The Explanatory Brochure on the Standard for Sweet Peppers has been developed to harmonize the interpretation of the Standard, thereby facilitating international as well as national trade. It addresses producers and traders, as well as inspection authorities. It corresponds to the latest edition of the UNECE Standard for Sweet Peppers (FFV-28), which was officially adopted in November 2009. In
- English
This Guide refers to the UNECE STANDARD S-1, concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of Seed Potatoes. Knowledge of the relevant requirements is essential for the inspector. Inspection is the visual examination of plants, tubers, containers, equipment or facilities by an authorized person, to determine compliance with regulations. Confirmation of symptoms can be supported by
- English
The joint UNECE-OECD publication “International Regulatory Cooperation: the Case of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe” presents the rule-making and standards-setting activities of UNECE. It is illustrated by a number of examples that show how UNECE impacts our daily lives, including through: