Information Exchange: national databases and other resources
Informal list of cases 2010
Following decision III/6 on Information Exchange on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, taken by the Parties at their third meeting in Cavtat (Croatia) in 2004, the ENIMPAS database ceased operation. (See meeting report.)
Data previously available on ENIMPAS - simple format with information grouped by country.
National focal points are invited to provide links to national databases and other information, including annual statistics on numbers of Espoo cases.
State | External links, e.g. to national database | Additional information | |||||||
Albania, Albanie, Албания Shqipëri/Shqipëria | Ministry of Environment (Albanian & English) | ||||||||
Andorra, Andorre, Андорра Valls d'Andorra | (Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment) | ||||||||
Armenia, Arménie, Армения, Հայաստան |
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Austria, Autriche, Австрия Österreich | Austrian Federal Environmental Agency (German) On-going and completed transboundary EIA procedures (German) |
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Azerbaijan, Azerbaïdjan, Азербайджан Azərbaycan |
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Belarus, Bélarus, Беларусь Белару́сь |
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Belgium, Belgique, Бельгия Belgie/Belgique | Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment (Dutch, French, German & English) |
Schelde/L'Escaut case study described in April 2005 workshop on transboundary projects (3 presentations). Further information (Dutch & French). | |||||||
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Босния-Герцеговина Bosna i Hercegovina | Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism (Department for General Ecology and EIA) | ||||||||
Bulgaria, Bulgarie, Болгария България | 2nd Danube Bridge case study described in April 2005 workshop on transboundary projects (2 presentations) | ||||||||
Canada, Canada, Канада | Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (English & French) |
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Croatia, Croatie, Хорватия Hrvatska | Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning and Construction: Hrvatski, English | ||||||||
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Cyprus, Chypre, Кипр Κύπρος / Kibris | Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Greek, Turkish & English) | ||||||||
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Czech Republic, République Tchèque, Чешская Республика Česka Republika | Ministry of the Environment (Competent authority): Cesky, English; EIA (Cesky, English) |
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Denmark, Danemark, Дания Danmark | Ministry of the Environment, spatial planning: Danish, English | Baltic Gas Interconnector case study described in April 2005 workshop on transboundary projects. | |||||||
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Estonia, Estonie, Эстония Eesti |
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Finland, Finlande, Финляндия Suomi, Finland | Ministry of the Environment: Finnish, Swedish, English Environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context: Finnish, Swedish, English |
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France, France, Франция | Ministry of Sustainable Ecology, Development and Territory: French |
Franco-Swiss case studies described in April 2005 workshop on transboundary projects (2 presentations) | |||||||
Georgia, Géorgie, Грузия საქართველო | Ministry of Environmental Protectionand Natural Resources (English) |
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Germany, Allemagne, Германия Deutschland |
Baltic Gas Interconnector case study described in April 2005 workshop on transboundary projects. | ||||||||
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Greece, Grèce, Греция Ελλάδα | |||||||||
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Hungary, Hongrie, Венгрия Magyarország | Ministry of Rural Development (English) |
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Iceland, Islande, Исландия Lydveldid Island | |||||||||
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Ireland, Irlande, Ирландия Éire, Ireland | |||||||||
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Israel, Israël, Израиль יִשְׂרָאֵל | Ministry of Environment (English) | ||||||||
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Italy, Italie, Италия Italia | Ministry of Environment (Italian) |
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Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, Казахстан Қазақстан | Ministry of Environmental Protection (Kazakh, English, Russian) | ||||||||
Kyrgyzstan, Kirghizistan, Кыргызстан | Ministry of Ecology and Emergencies | ||||||||
Latvia, Lettonie, Латвия Latvija | Ministry of the Environmental Protection and Regional Development: Latvian, English State Environmental Bureau (Competent Authority for SEA and EIA) (includes list of projects subject to EIA) | ||||||||
Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein, Лихтенштейн | |||||||||
Lithuania, Lituanie, Литва Lietuva | Ministry of Environment: Lithuanian, English EIA Division |
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Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Люксембург | |||||||||
Malta, Malte, Мальта, | |||||||||
Monaco, Monaco, Монако | - | ||||||||
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Montenegro, Monténégro, Черногория Crna Gora | - | ||||||||
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Netherlands, Pays-Bas, Нидерланды Nederland | Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment: Nederlands, English |
Norway, Norvège, Норвегия Norge / Noreg |
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Poland, Pologne, Польша Polska |
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Portugal, Portugal, Португалия | Ministry for Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning, Directorate-General Environment, EIA (AIA) | |||||||||||||
Republic of Moldova, République de Moldova, Республика Молдова Republica Moldova | Government of Moldova (Moldovan, Russian) | |||||||||||||
Romania, Roumanie, Румыния România | Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Directorate-General for Environmental Regulation, | 2nd Danube Bridge case study described in April 2005 workshop on transboundary projects (2 presentations) | ||||||||||||
Russian Federation, Fédération de Russie, Российская Федерация |
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San Marino, Saint-Marin, Сан-Марино | (Ministry of Territory, Environment & Agriculture) | |||||||||||||
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Serbia , Serbie, Сербия Srbija | ||||||||||||||
Slovakia, Slovaquie, Словакия Slovensko | Ministry of the Environment, EIA Department, EIA through portal (English) | |||||||||||||
Slovenia, Slovénie, Словения Slovenija | Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy: Slovenian, English | |||||||||||||
Spain, Espagne, Испания Espana | ||||||||||||||
Sweden, Suède, Швеция Sverige | Baltic Gas Interconnector case study described in April 2005 workshop on transboundary projects. | |||||||||||||
Switzerland, Suisse, Швейцария Schweiz/ Suisse/ Svizzera/ Svizra | Swiss Federal Office for the Environment: German, French, italian, English EIA (environmental assessment) (information available in German, French and Italian - information disponible en allemand, français et italien) |
Case studies described in April 2005 workshop on transboundary projects (2 presentations) | ||||||||||||
Tajikistan, Tadjikistan, Таджикистан Тоҷикистон | (Ministry for Nature Protection) | |||||||||||||
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, l'ex-Republique Yougoslave de Macédoine, бывшая югославская Республика Македония Македонија | Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning: Macedonian, English | |||||||||||||
Turkey, Turquie, Турция Turkiye | Pilot SEA study and draft SEA regulation (Turkish, with some documents in English) - previously at | |||||||||||||
Turkmenistan, Turkménistan, Туркменистан Türkmenistan | (Ministry for Natural Resource Use and Environmental Protection) | |||||||||||||
Ukraine, Ukraine, Украина Україна | Ministry of Environmental Protection: Ukrainian | |||||||||||||
United Kingdom, Royaume-Uni, Соединенное Королевство | Department of Communities & Local Government, Planning and the environment Northern Ireland: the Planning Service |
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United States of America, Etats Unis d'Amérique, Соединенные Штаты Америки | ||||||||||||||
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Uzbekistan, Ouzbékistan, Узбекистан O‘zbekiston / Ўзбекистон | State Committee for Nature Protection: Uzbek, Russian, English | |||||||||||||
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European Union, Union européen, Европейский союз | European Union, Directorate-General Environment, Environmental Assessment - EIA & SEA (English) |