Information Exchange: links
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International Organizations (Международные организации)
- CAREC - Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia
- CARNet (русский) Environment & Sustainable Development in Central Asia and Russia
- CBD - Convention on Biological Diversity - Impact Assessment
- CEP - Caspian Environment Programme (русский) - Transboundary EIA Guidelines
- EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction & Development - EIAs - 2008 Environmental & Social Policy
- EIB - European Investment Bank - Environment (English, français, Deutsch)
- EC - European Commission - Environment Directorate General - Environmental Assessment - Useful contacts - Leading Legal Cases (EIA)
- EC - Trade Directorate General - Sustainability Impact Assessment
- EC - Integration of Environment and sustainable development in Policies - BEACON (Building environmental assessment consensus in TEN-T)
- IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature - Red de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental para Centroamérica (Spanish)
- OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-Operation & Development - Environment - SEA Policy (français)
- REC - Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe - Environmental Assessment (EIA and SEA activities)
- REC Caucasus
- THE PEP - Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (UNECE & WHO/Europe) (русский )
- UNESCAP - UN Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific - Environment and Sustainable Development Division - Environment Section
- UNEP - UN Environment Programme - Economics & Trade Branch - EIA
- UNEP - Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)
- UNEP - Dams & Development Project (DDP)
- UNITAR - UN Institute for Training and Research - International Law Programme (English, French)
- WHO - World Health Organization - Health Impact Assessment
- WHO - Regional Office for Europe - Health impact assessment
- World Bank - Environment - Environmental Assessment - SEA
Environmental Impact Assessment & Strategic Environmental Assessment Centres (Центры по оценке воздействия на окружающую среду)
- Austrian Institute for the Development of Environmental Assessment (An !dea)
- Austrian-Czech cooperative project "transnational civil participation / strategies of the Espoo and Aarhus Conventions" (German, Czech)
- Environmental Assessment in Countries in Transition (based in Hungary)
- Caucusus Environmental NGO Network (CENN) - on EIA
- Centre for Impact Assessment Research and Training (CIART) (New Zealand)
- Council on Environmental Quality - National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Task Force (USA)
- Ecoline EIA Centre (Russian Federation)
- ENPLAN - Italian-Spanish cooperation on SEA of regional plans & programmes (italiano)
- Environment Canada - Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (français)
- Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
- German EIA Association (German)
- Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) (based in the UK)
- International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) (based in the US)
- Manchester University School of Environment & Development's Centre for Urban and Regional Ecology (influding the former EIA Centre) and Impact Assessment Research Centre (UK)
- Netherlands Commission for EIA (Commissie MER) and its SEA database
- Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
- Nordregio (Nordic Centre for Spatial Development)
- Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research - Department for Housing and Environmental Planning Research
- Oxford Brookes University - Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development - Impacts Assessment Unit - Spatial Planning Unit (UK)
- SEA-MiSt - Tools for Environmental Assessment in Strategic Decision Making (English) (Sweden)
- South-West Regional Assembly (UK)
- Southern African Institute fro Environmental Assessment (SAIEA), Calabash project
- Stockholm Environment Institute (Sweden)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment Information Service - 'seainfo-net' (UK) and SEA & Transport Planning Newsletter
- SUIT - Sustainable development of Urban historical areas through an active Integration within Towns
- Swedish EIA Centre (English)
- study & research centre (Italy)
Health Impact Assessment Centres (Центры по оценке воздействия на здоровье человека)
- European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies: HIA
- Health Canada - Environmental & Workplace Health (français)
- Health Impact Database of the Netherlands School of Public & Occupational Health
- International Health Impact Assessment Consortium (IMPACT) (UK)
- HIA Gateway (UK)
- London Health Commission - Health Impact Assessment (UK)
- Dutch HIA practice/checklist for EIA and SEA (test, in Dutch)