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Overview of outputs

Outputs are materials to assist in the implementation of the Convention and Protocol. They supplement publications, which include leaflets, posters, newsletters and case-study fact sheets, as well as formal publications. Several of the outputs presented here as web pages, are also available as publications.
Publications are accessible through the separate menu item on the left and below.

Outputs available here are:

Guidance on the practical application of the Espoo Convention (also available as a publication ECE/MP.EIA/8 in English, French and Russian)
Guidance on public participation in EIA in a transboundary context (also available as a publication ECE/MP.EIA/7 in English, French and Russian)
Guidance on subregional cooperation (ECE/MP.EIA/6, Annex V), also available as a document in English, French and Russian (see publications)
Determining significance: Specific Methodologies and Criteria to Determine the Significance of Adversary Transboundary Impact (CEP/WG.3/R.6, 1995)
Legal and administrative aspects
Background information on the Resource Manual to Support Application of the Protocol on SEA (available as a publication ECE/MP.EIA/17 in English, and later Russian), together with many links and other resources
Bilateral and multilateral agreements - many examples
Database on transboundary EIA - identifies national databases and other useful national resources
EIA and SEA links
EIA and SEA legislation (selected countries)
Checklists of impacts (informal, 1995)
(Historical note: no. 2 in the environmental series was on hazardous waste management, ECE/ENV/46, 1985.)