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September 04/INF.33 |
| German | DOC (43Kb) | PDF (107Kb) |
September 04/INF.33/Add.1 - (Germany) Addendum 1 - Amend No. 4 in the report of the Tank Working Group (INF. 33) |
| English | DOC (19Kb) | PDF (78Kb) |
September 04/INF.32 - (CEN) Joint Meeting Standards Working Group Report of the fourth meeting, Genève, 13 - 15 September 2004 |
| English | DOC (186Kb) | PDF (245Kb) |
September 04/INF.30 - (Germany) Comments to document TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2004/4 |
| English | DOC (32Kb) | PDF (71Kb) |
September 04/INF.29 - (EIGA) Chapter 6.2; Stampmarking - Reinstatement of the note in paragraph |
| English | DOC (24Kb) | PDF (88Kb) |
September 04/INF.27 - (Spain) Report on incidents involving dangerous goods - Revised proposal of TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2003/42 |
| English | DOC (22Kb) | PDF (79Kb) |
September 04/INF.24 - (Secretariat) Draft Corrigendum to ADR 2005 - Volume I |
| English | DOC (45Kb) | PDF (162Kb) |
| French | DOC (49Kb) | PDF (152Kb) |
September 04/INF.24/Add.1 - (Secretariat) Draft Corrigendum to ADR 2005 - Addendum 1 |
| English | DOC (28Kb) | PDF (88Kb) |
| French | DOC (30Kb) | PDF (77Kb) |
September 04/INF.23 - (EUPC) Compatibility testing of plastics packagings |
| English | DOC (20Kb) | PDF (86Kb) |
September 04/INF.22 - (Belgium) Addition to document 2003/59 |
| English | DOC (20Kb) | PDF (75Kb) |
| French | DOC (22Kb) | PDF (63Kb) |
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September 04/INF.21 - (Belgium) Chapter 6.2. Comments by the Government of Belgium to proposal TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2004/21 |
| English | DOC (30Kb) | PDF (96Kb) |
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September 04/INF.20 - (CEFIC) Comments on document 2004/9 |
| English | DOC (30Kb) | PDF (72Kb) |
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September 04/INF.19 - (Netherlands) Comments to doc. -/AC.1/2004/1 – Flame traps for vacuum-relief valves |
| English | DOC (28Kb) | PDF (91Kb) |
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September 04/INF.18 - (Secretariat) Interpretation of RID/ADR/ADN 2005. Carriage prior to or following maritime or air carriage - Sub-section |
| English | DOC (93Kb) | PDF (89Kb) |
| | | |
September 04/INF.17 - (UIP) Chapitre 1.10 : Dispositions concernant la sûreté |
| French | DOC (27Kb) | PDF (88Kb) |
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September 04/INF.16 - (EBRA) Informal Document to TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2004/25 (Used lithium batteries) |
| English | DOC (27Kb) | PDF (84Kb) |
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September 04/INF.15 - (Austria) Obligations of the packer with regard to overpacks |
| English | DOC (21Kb) | PDF (69Kb) |
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September 04/INF.14 - (Chairman) Discussion on Limited quantities and consumer commodities in the UN Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods |
| English | DOC (24Kb) | PDF (90Kb) |
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September 04/INF.13 - (UIC) Chapitre 1.10 : Prescriptions pour la sûreté. Document de discussion de l’Union internationale des chemins de fer (UIC) |
| English | DOC (51Kb) | PDF (89Kb) |
| French | DOC (24Kb) | PDF (77Kb) |
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September 04/INF.12 - (Netherlands) ADOPTION OF THE Loading and unloading of tank wagons; non-leakproofness of tank wagons |
| English | DOC (27Kb) | PDF (104Kb) |
| German - part A | DOC (969Kb) | PDF (369Kb) |
| German - part B | DOC (49Kb) | PDF (118Kb) |
| German - part C | DOC (24Kb) | PDF (80Kb) |
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September 04/INF.11 - (CEN) Comments on standards submitted by CEN before the meeting |
| English | DOC (156Kb) | PDF (225Kb) |
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September 04/INF.11/Rev.1 - (CEN) Comments on standards submitted by CEN before the meeting |
| English | DOC (166Kb) | PDF (189Kb) |
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September 04/INF.10 - (Austria) Austrian initiative for a multilateral special agreement under Section 1.5.1 ADR/RID concerning the carriage of certain wastes concerning dangerous goods |
| English | DOC (166Kb) | PDF (155Kb) |
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September 04/INF.9 - (Germany) Allocation of tank instructions and determination of test pressures – Development of a draft proposal of amendment to the UN Model Regulations |
| English | DOC (98Kb) | PDF (90Kb) |
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September 04/INF.8 - (Germany) Proposal by the Government of Germany to transform the present RID Working Group on “Standardized Risk Analysis” as a Joint Meeting Working Group |
| English | DOC (71Kb) | PDF (115Kb) |
| | | |
September 04/INF.7 - (OCTI) Minutes of a meeting concerning the co-funding of the EU research project "Standardized Risk Analyses for Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail and Road", project proposal by GRS, Cologne |
| English | DOC (76Kb) | PDF (79Kb) |
| French | DOC (25Kb) | PDF (84Kb) |
| | | |
September 04/INF.6 - (OCTI) - Final report of the first meeting of the RID Committee of Experts Working Group on standardized risk analysis (Bonn, 22 and 23 April 2004) |
| English | DOC (62Kb) | PDF (97Kb) |
| French | DOC (60Kb) | PDF (153Kb) |
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September 04/INF.5 - (Norway) - Comments on -/2004/23 from FIATA |
| English | DOC (23Kb) | PDF (69Kb) |
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September 04/INF.4 - (Netherlands) - Additional information to document TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2004/19 |
| English | DOC (254Kb) | PDF (255Kb) |
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September 04/INF.3 - (Netherlands) - Relation between classification of dangerous goods and conditions of carriage |
| English | ------------- | PDF (565Kb) |
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September 04/INF.2 - (Secretariat) - Liste des documents par point de l’ordre du jour |
| French | DOC (50Kb) | PDF (82Kb) |
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