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90th session

Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15)

WP.15 Informal documents, 90th session (change of meeting dates: 3-5 May 2011)

Note for delegates: As part of the secretariat's effort to reduce expenditure, informal documents INF.3 to INF.13 will not be available in the conference room for distribution to session participants. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to the meeting.
Informal document No. 19 -  Safety in road tunnels - Amendments to resolution RE2
Informal document No. 17 - Placarding of containers used exclusively in a road transport operation
Informal document No. 16 - Outcome of the Inland Transport Committee (excerpts from the draft report)
Informal document No. 15 - Interpretation: Approval of packagings
Informal document No. 14 - Correction of the reference to standard
IEC 529
Informal document No. 13 - (Secretariat) Accession of Iceland
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Informal document No. 12 - (Secretariat) Public consultation on the future deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems
Informal document No. 11 - (Netherlands) Comments on ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2011/2
Informal document No. 10 - (France) - Information about training certificate for drivers
Informal document No. 9 - (France) - Interpretation of the writing of new training certificate for drivers
Informal document No. 8 - (Sweden) Interpretation concerning indication of tunnel restriction codes in the transport document
Informal document No. 7 - (Sweden) Intepretation of frequency of technical inspections mentioned in part 9 of ADR
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Informal document No. 6 - (Sweden) Interpretation of permanently energized circuits
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Informal document No. 5 - (Switzerland) Safety in road tunnels
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Informal document No. 4 - (Switzerland) Fire extinguishers and transitional measures
English DOC (48 KB) PDF (12 KB)
Informal document No. 3 - (Germany) Interpretation of orange-coloured plate marking - ADR
English DOC (38 KB) PDF (9 KB)
Informal document No. 2 - (Secretariat) List of documents under agenda item
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Informal document No. 1 - (Secretariat) List of documents 
English DOC PDF