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Displaying Results 301 - 320 of 2835

- English
- English
- English
This report summarizes the impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic had during 2020 in the forest sector of the countries in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan), focusing on production, export, import, consumption, prices and employment for the
- English
This publication provides comparable data on road traffic accidents in Europe, Canada and the United States. Data are organized by the nature of accident, and the number of persons killed or injured, by category or road user, age group and sex. As background data, figures on the number of road vehicles in use and vehicle-kilometers run by road vehicles are also provided along with estimates of
- English
Which users may use the water of a lake, river or other source? For what purposes, in what quantity and of what quality? Where and when? These are the questions answered by ‘water allocation’ which is the process and/or outcome of determining how different stakeholders use water. With growing water scarcity around the globe, determining such water use presents a major challenge – and even more so
- English
This high-level policy recommendation advocates to governments the importance of building national capacity and capability to cope with a large influx of humanitarian relief. The sudden onset of a disaster often results in relief providers and national administrations being unclear about importation requirements and procedures for needed relief items. These items may include lifesaving relief
- English
The Forest Sector Outlook Study, 2020-2040 provides information for the UNECE region that supports decisionmaking by showing the possible medium- and long-term consequences of specific policy choices and structural changes, using scenario analyses whenever possible. The study is the first to cover the entire region and provides results for the main UNECE subregions of Europe, North America and
- Pусский
На основе оценки возможных среднесрочных и долгосрочных последствий конкретных вариантов политики и структурных изменений, составленной с использованием, по возможности, построенного на сценариях анализа, в Перспективном исследовании по лесному сектору, 2020–2040 годы, представлена информация по региону ЕЭК ООН, которая может стать подспорьем при принятии решений. Это первое исследование, которое
- Français
L’Étude des perspectives du secteur forestier 2020-2040 pour la région de la CEE a pour objectif d’éclairer les décisions à prendre et met en lumière à ce titre les conséquences potentielles, à moyen et à long terme, de certains choix politiques et d’évolutions structurelles spécifiques. Elle s’appuie, dans toute la mesure possible, sur l’analyse de plusieurs scénarios. La présente Étude est la
- Pусский
Руководителям, принимающим решения в сфере земельного администрирования, необходимо широкое понимание новых проблем и тенденций, определяющих будущий облик сектора. Для этого Рабочая группа по управлению земельными ресурсами разработала сценарии для будущих решений в области земельного администрирования и управления земельными ресурсами. В настоящем исследовании рассматриваются сценарии будущего
- English
Decision makers in the field of land administration need a broad understanding of emerging issues and developments that are expected to shape the future of the sector. To this end, the UNECE Working Party on Land Administration elaborated scenarios for future land administration and land management solutions. This study discusses the future scenarios for the land administration sector, based on
- English
The European Code for Inland Waterways (CEVNI) contains the core rules applicable to the traffic on inland waterways in the UNECE region such as marks and draught scales on vessels, visual signals on vessels, sound signals and radiotelephony, waterway signs and markings, rules of the road, berthing rules, signalling and reporting requirements as well as prevention of pollution of water and
- Pусский
Европейские правила судоходства по внутренним водным путям (ЕПСВВП) содержат основные правила, применимые к движению транспорта по внутренним водным путям в регионе ЕЭК ООН, такие, как марки и шкалы осадки судов, судовая визуальная сигнализация, звуковая сигнализация и радиотелефонная связь, сигнальные знаки и судоходная обстановка водного пути, правила плавания, правила стоянки, требования о
- Français
Le Code européen des voies de navigation intérieure (CEVNI) contient les règles fondamentales applicables au trafic sur les voies navigables dans la région de la CEE-ONU, telles que les marques et les échelles de tirant d’eau des bateaux, la signalisation visuelle des bateaux, la signalisation sonore et la radiotéléphonie, la signalisation et le balisage des voies navigables, les règles de route
- Español
El Convenio sobre la Protección y Utilización de los Cursos de Agua Transfronterizos y de los Lagos Internacionales (Convenio del Agua) se adoptó en 1992 y entró en vigor en 1996. Diseñado como un instrumento regional, en 2003 el Convenio del Agua se enmendó para permitir la adhesión de países situados fuera de la región de la CEPE. Desde 2016 todos los Estados miembros de las Naciones Unidas
- English
The Forest Products Annual Market Review 2020-2021 provides a comprehensive analysis of markets in the UNECE region and reports on the main market influences beyond the region. It covers products from the forest to the end user and from roundwood and primary processed products to value-added, housing and wood energy. Statistics-based chapters analyse the markets for wood raw materials, sawnwood,
- English
The report Childcare, Women’s Employment and the COVID-19 Impact: The Case of Moldova is part of the “UNECE - UN Women series: Rethinking care economy and empowering women for building back better”. This series includes key results of a collaboration between UNECE and UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia in the framework of the UN Development Account tranche 13 project: “
- English
The report Childcare, Women’s Employment and the COVID-19 Impact and Response: The Case of the Kyrgyz Republic is part of the “UNECE - UN Women series: Rethinking care economy and empowering women for building back better”. This series includes key results of a collaboration between UNECE and UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia in the framework of the UN Development Account
- English
The present publication contains the third Environmental Performance Review of Romania. The report takes stock of progress made in the governance and management of the environment since the second review in 2012, assesses the implementation of the recommendations of that EPR and makes new recommendations for the country to implement. In addition, the Third EPR looks into developments related to
- English
Issues and challenges regarding gender and transport have been discussed and researched for decades. Despite this, there has only been gradual progress regarding safety, ease of access, participation in decision making processes and several other issues regarding gender and transport. Additionally, the transport and mobility sector is a male dominated field and there is a lack of women