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September 05/INF.68 - Suggested amendment to the proposals in TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2005/67 in Inf.43 taking into account the wording [agreed / proposed] for tanks in |
| English | DOC (20Kb) | PDF (79Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.67 - Suggested amendment to the proposal in Section 14 of the Report of the Tanks Working Group – INF. 63 |
| English | DOC (21Kb) | PDF (78Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.66 - Ref. Doc. TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2005/38- Definition withdrawn - RID/ADN |
| English | DOC (19Kb) | PDF (46Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.64 - (Belgium) Tanks - Proposal transmitted by the representative of Belgium |
| English | DOC (22Kb) | PDF (55Kb) |
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September 05/INF.63 - Übermittelt durch Deutschland |
| German | DOC (19Kb) | PDF (54Kb) |
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September 05/INF.62 - Competent authorities of third countries - Note by the UNECE Secretariat |
| English | DOC (28Kb) | PDF (51Kb) |
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September 05/INF.61 - Joint Meeting Standards Working Group - Report of the fifth meeting, Genève, 13 - 15 September 2005 |
| English | DOC (19Kb) | PDF (54Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.60 - Consequential: Table 1.10.5, for class 6.2, letter “a” in column “Bulk” should be replaced by “0” |
| English | DOC (53Kb) | PDF (79Kb) |
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September 05/INF.59 - (Secretariat) Original document TRANS/WP.15/2005/68 - Carriage in a transport chain, including maritime or air carriage |
| English | DOC (19Kb) | PDF (54Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.57 - (Secretariat) Pending Issues - Note by the Secretariat |
| English | DOC (40Kb) | PDF (144Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.56 - Proposal transmitted by Belgium, Germany and Italy |
| German | DOC (22Kb) | PDF (78Kb) |
September 05/INF.55 - (OTIF) Amendments to the 2005 edition of RID/ADR |
| English | DOC (36Kb) | PDF (66Kb) |
| German | DOC (48Kb) | PDF (74Kb) |
| | | |
September 05/INF.54 - (United Kingdom) Comments on document TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2005/32 (definition of the safety obligations of unloaders) |
| English | DOC (26Kb) | PDF (89Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.53 - (United Kingdom) Comments on document TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2005/28 (Secretariat) and INF 19 (Belgium) |
| English | DOC (21Kb) | PDF (71Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.52 - (AEGPL) Proposals for amendments to RID/ADR/ADN and (sub-section - Periodic inspection and test |
| English | DOC (28Kb) | PDF (152Kb) |
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September 05/INF.51 - (AEGPL) Comments to document TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2005/43 |
| English | DOC (27Kb) | PDF (72Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.50 - (AEGPL) Comments to documents INF.20 and INF.39 |
| English | DOC (23Kb) | PDF (81Kb) |
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September 05/INF.49 - (Switzerland) Paragraph a) |
| English | DOC (1,150Kb) | PDF (245Kb) |
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September 05/INF.48 - (France) Document TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2004/24 - Implementation of the special provisions of 6.8.4 |
| English | DOC (84Kb) | PDF (104Kb) |
| French | DOC (105Kb) | PDF (120Kb) |
| German | ----------- | PDF (148Kb) |
September 05/INF.47 - (Portugal) Construction of tanks - inspection of weld |
| English | DOC (24Kb) | PDF (90Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.46 - (Portugal) Tank Codes |
| English | DOC (23Kb) | PDF (64Kb) |
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September 05/INF.45 - (Portugal) Transport of methane refrigerated liquid or natural gas, refrigerated liquid (un 1972) in tanks |
| English | DOC (25Kb) | PDF (70Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.44 - (EIGA) Harmonization - agenda item 5 - Suggestions for the text shown in square brackets in TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2005/42/Add.1, and P200 - Transmitted by the Euroepan Industrial Gases Association |
| English | DOC (68Kb) | PDF (124Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.43 - (United Kingdom) Amendments to the proposal in TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2005/67 |
| English | DOC (22Kb) | PDF (83Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.42 - (Netherlands) Comments on doc. OCTI/RID/GT-III/2005/43 |
| English | DOC (25Kb) | PDF (65Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.41 - (Belgium) New proposals for amendments to RID/ADR/ADN - Belgian comments to doc. TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2005/58 |
| English | DOC (20Kb) | PDF (71Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.40 - (United Kingdom) Interpretation o fRID/ADR - Carriage of Dangerous Goods in Machinery |
| English | DOC (438Kb) | PDF (217Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.39 - (CEN) Standards - Comments from Switzerland on Standards listed for discussion at the Standards Working Group |
| English | DOC (263Kb) | PDF (274Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.38 - (EPBA) Application for consultative status by the European Portable Battery Association |
| English | ---- | PDF (118Kb) |
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September 05/INF.37 - (Denmark) Harmonization with the United Nations Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods - Comments on document TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2005/42/Add.1 - New Default classification list for fireworks |
| English | DOC (33Kb) | PDF (73Kb) |
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September 05/INF.36 - (Allemagne) - Observations sur le document -/2005/42/Add.1 - Point 5 |
| German only | ------------- | PDF (69Kb) |
| | | |
September 05/INF.35 - (Allemagne) - Invitation au groupe de travail international sur le thème du "Transport des déchets" - Point 8 |
| German only | ------------- | PDF (88Kb) |
| | | |
September 05/INF.34 - (Allemagne) - par. Epreuves sur les citernes pour les gaz liquéfiés réfrigérés - Point 2 |
| German only | ------------- | PDF (74Kb) |
| | | |
September 05/INF.33 - (UK) Carriage of bitumen under RID/ADR |
| English | DOC (21Kb) | PDF (67Kb) |
| |
September 05/INF.32 - (France) Complément au document TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2005/67: Fiches d'orientation - TPED 34 et 35 |
| French | DOC (94Kb) | PDF (59Kb) |
| - Part A | ---- | PDF (71Kb) |
| - Part B | ---- | PDF (51Kb) |
September 05/INF.31 - (UK) Comments on document TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2005/38 (Sub-section (d): Carriage undertaken by the Emergency Services) |
| English | DOC (24Kb) | PDF (85Kb) |
September 05/INF.30 - (ECMA) Recommendations for the determination of periodic inspection intervals for composite cylinders and a procedure for their prolongation |
| English | DOC (52Kb) | PDF (95Kb) |