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WP.30 / Working Documents


Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnet (TIR Convention, 1975)
Application of the Convention
Approval and control of TIR loading compartments
Transmitted by the European Union Customs Assistance Program in Serbia (CAFAO)
  English Francais Russian
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnet (TIR Convention, 1975)
Application of the Convention
Approval and control of TIR loading compartments
Transmitted by the European Union Customs Assistance Program in Serbia (CAFAO)
  English Francais Russian
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnet (TIR Convention, 1975)
Revision of the Convention
Amendment proposals for the Convention
Transmitted by the Government of Turkey
  English Francais Russian
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975)
Revision of the Convention
Amendment proposals for the Convention
Transmitted by the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus
  English Francais Russian
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975)
Revision of the Convention
Amendment proposals for the Convention

  English Francais Russian
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975)
Revision of the Convention
Preparation of Phase III of the TIR revision process
Note by the secretariat
  English Francais Russian
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnet (TIR Convention, 1975)
Revision of the Convention
Preparation of Phase III of the TIR revision process

  English Francais Russian
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975)
Revision of the Convention
Preparation of Phase III of the TIR Revision process
Transmitted by the International Road Transport Union (IRU)
  English Francais Russian
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975)
Revision of the Convention
Preparation of Phase III of the TIR Revision process
Transmitted by the International Road Transport Union (IRU)
  English Francais Russian
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975)
Revision of the Convention
Amendment proposals for the Convention
Transmitted by the European Community
  English Francais Russian
International Convention to facilitate the Crossing of Frontiers for Passengers and baggage carried by rail, of 10 January 1952
Note by the Committee of the Organization for Cooperation between Railways and the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail
  English Francais Russian
International Convention to Facilitate the Crossing Frontiers for Passengers and Baggage carried by Rail, of 10 January 1952
Transmitted by the Committee for the Organization for Co-operation between Railways (OSJD)
(French only)
International Convention to Facilitate the Crossing of Frontiers for Passengers and Baggage carried by Rail, of 10 January 1952
Transmitted by the Committee of the Organization for Co-operation between Railways (OSJD)
  English Francais Russian
International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods, 1982 ("Harmonization Convention")
Preparation of a new annex on rail border crossing
Note by the Committee of the Organization for Cooperation between Railways and the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail
  English Francais Russian
International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods, 1982
Preparation of a new Annex on rail border crossing
Transmitted by the Committee of the Organization for Co-operation between Railways (OSJD)
  English Francais Russian
Activities of other Organizations of interest to the Working Party
Dematerialisation of supporting documents
Transmitted by the International Air Cargo Association (TIACA)
  English Francais Russian
Summary report of the special working session of the drafting group
(Belgrade, 6-7 March 2007)
  English Francais Russian
Customs Convention on the International Transport of goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975)
Revision of the Convention
Preparation of Phase III of the TIR revision process
Note by the secretariat
  English Francais Russian
Customs Convention on the International Transport of goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975)
Application of the Convention
  English Francais Russian
Activities of other Organizations of Interest to the Working Party
Transmitted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
English only
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975)
Revision of the Convention
Amendment Proposals for the Convention
Transmitted by the European Community (EC)
  English Francais Russian
Revision of the Convention
Preparation of Phase III of the TIR revision process
Note by the secretariat
  English Francais Russian
International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods, 1982
("Harmonization COnvention")
Seminars on the Implementation of the Convention
Note by the secretariat
English only