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71st session
Informal document WP.30 (2019) No. 10 -Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 16
Revision of the Convention
Phase III of the TIR revision process – Computerization of the TIR procedure – Annex 11 to the Convention
English/Russian only
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 15
Other business
Information for the attention of the TIR Executive Board regarding a request for slight changes in TIR carnet forms
Transmitted by the International Road Transport Union
English only
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 14
Audit of the accounts of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat
Recommendation 1 on the monitoring and evaluation of the documentation submitted by the international organization
Note by the Secretariat
English only
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 13
Further revised draft Annex 11 of the TIR Convention
Transmitted by the Government of the People’s Republic of China
English only
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 12
Budget proposal and cost plan for the year 2020
Procedure for financing the operation of the TIR Executive Board and TIR secretariat
Transmitted by the International Road Transport Union (IRU)
 English only
70th session
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 11
Audit report on the management of the TIR trust Fund issued by the United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services
Note by the Secretariat
English only
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 10
Report of the Second Friends of the Chair meeting
Note by the Secretariat
English only
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 9
Report of the First Friends of the Chair meeting
Note by the Secretariat
English only
69th session
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 1
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB):
Election of members of the TIR Executive Board
Note by the secretariat
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 2
Revision of the Convention
Amendment proposals to the Convention prepared by the TIR Executive Board
Granting IRU access to the ITDB
Note by the secretariat
English only
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 3
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB):
Administration of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat-
Procedure for financing the operation of the TIR Executive Board and TIR secretariat
Transmitted by the International Road Transport Union
English only
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 4
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB):
Report by the Chair of TIRExB 
Review of the TIRExB programme of work for 2017-2018
Note by the TIR Secretary
English only
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 5
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB):
Administration of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat- 
Procedure for financing the operation of the TIR Executive Board and TIR secretariat
Financing of the operation of the TIRExB and the TIR secretariat for 2019
Transmitted by the International Road Transport Union
English only
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 6
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB):
Activities of the TIR Executive Board 
Statistics of TIR Carnets distribution to national associations (2001-2018)
Transmitted by the International Road Transport Union
English only
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 7
This Informal document replaces document ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2019/4
Authorization for concluding an agreement between the
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)
and the International Road Transport Union (IRU)
Note by the secretariat
English only
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 (2019) No. 8
Draft Annex 11 to the TIR Convention
Transmitted by the Working Party
English only