(WP.30/GE.2) The Group of Experts on the Legal Aspects of Computerization of the TIR Procedure (3rd session)
12 - 13 December 2016
Focal Point: Ariadne Abel
E-mail: wp.30[at]unece.org
Telephone: +41 (0) 22 917 2392
Fax: +41 (0) 22 917 00 39
Web site
The Group of Experts was established in 2015 to work on the development of the legal framework that will enable the computerization of the TIR procedure, on the basis of the eTIR Reference Model, among others.
In accordance with its Terms of Reference, the Group of Experts will, at its first session, approve its work plan, prioritize its objectives and establish its method of work, on the basis of work already carried out by the Working Party on Customs Questions Affecting Transport (WP.30).
The Terms of Reference of the Group can be found here: English, French, Russian.
- Agenda
Provisional agenda for the third session (12-13 December 2016)English Français Русский - Working Documents
Financing of the eTIR international system
Financing of the eTIR international system
Note by the secretariatEnglish Français Русский ECE/TRANS/WP.30/GE.2/2016/8
Legal status of the eTIR Reference Model and amendment procedure
Legal status of the eTIR Reference Model and amendment procedure for the eTIR legal framework
Note by the secretariatEnglish Français Русский ECE/TRANS/WP.30/GE.2/2016/9
Format and administrative structure of the eTIR legal framework
Format and administrative structure of the eTIR legal framework
Note by the secretariatEnglish Français Русский - Informal Documents
Informal document WP.30/GE.2 (2016) No.3
Data confidentiality considerations
Transmitted by the Government of the Russian FederationRussian only Informal document WP.30/GE.2 (2016) No.2
Identification of the holder and verification of the integrity of electronic data interchange messages
Note by the secretariatEnglish only Informal document WP.30/GE.2 (2016) No.1
Compatibility of the eTIR legal framework with national legal requirements
Note by the secretariatEnglish only Informal document GE.1 No.4 (2016)
Reference Model of the TIR Procedure Amendments
Document transmitted by the European CommissionEnglish
only - Report
Report of the Group of Experts on Legal Aspects of Computerization of the TIR Procedure (GE.2) on its third sessionEnglish Français Русский - Registration
Registration Form On-Line Registration