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AC2 / Informal Documents


Informal document WP.30/AC.2 No. 8
Status of the TIR Convention, 1975
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 No. 7
Activities of the TIRExB
On-line UNECE Register of Customs Sealing Devices and Customs Stamps
Note by the TIR secretariat
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 No. 6
Activities of the TIRExB
International TIR Data Bank (ITDB)
Note by the TIR secretariat
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 No. 5 (2009)
Administration of the TIRExB and the TIR secretariat
Procedure for financing of the operation of the TIRExB and TIR secretariat 
Transmitted by the International Road Union (IRU)
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 No. 4 (2009)
Activities and Administration of the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB)
Activities of the TIRExB 
Report by the Chairperson of the TIRExB 
Possibility of undertaking a TIR transport when a tractor unit does not belong to the TIR
Carnet holder
Note by the TIR secretariat
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 No. 3 (2009)
Activities and Administration of the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB)
Activities of the TIRExB 
Report by the Chairperson of the TIRExB 
Review of the TIRExB programme of work for 2007-2008
Note by the TIR secretariat
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 No. 2 (2009) 
Activities and Administration of the TIRExB
Administration of the TIRExB 
Election of members of the TIRExB 
Note by the secretariat 
Informal document WP.30/AC.2 No. 1 (2009)
Activities and Administration of the TIRExB
Administration of the TIRExB
Election of members of the TIRExB
Note by the secretariat
  English Francais Russain