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AC.2/Official Documents
73rd session
ECE/TRANS/WP.30/2020/9 - ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2020/25
(not announced in draft agenda)
Revision of the Convention
Amendment proposals to the Convention transmitted by the Working Party
Changes in the lay-out of the TIR Carnet
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Other business
The International Road Transport Union external audit report and related matters
Audit report for the year 2019 on the records and accounts kept by the international organization pertaining to the organization and functioning of the international guarantee system and the printing and distribution of TIR Carnets
Transmitted by the International Road Transport Union
  English Français Русский
Audit of the accounts of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat
Effectiveness of the action plan to promote accession to and implementation of the TIR Convention and the eTIR international system, including intermodal aspects of the TIR Convention
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Agreement between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the International Road Transport Union
Comments by the European Union
Transmitted by the European Union
  English Français Русский
Agreement between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the International Road Transport Union
  English Français Русский
Revision of the Convention
Accepted amendment proposals to the Convention pending formal adoption
  English Français Русский
Revision of the Convention
Amendment proposals to the Convention transmitted
by the TIR Executive Board
Draft new Explanatory Note to Article 6, paragraph 2 of the TIR Convention
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Revision of the Convention
Amendment proposals to the Convention transmitted by the TIR Executive Board
Exclusions and withdrawals of holders in ITDB
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board
Administration of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat
Budget proposal and cost plan for the year 2021
Budget proposal and Unreleased Budget (cost plan) for the year 2021
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board
Administration of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat
Procedure for financing the operation of the TIR Executive Board and TIR secretariat
Audit certificate for the year 2019 on the account kept for the invoicing and advance transfer of the money required for the operation of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat
Transmitted by the International Road Transport Union
  English Français Русский
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board
Administration of the TIR Executive Board
and the TIR secretariat
Interim financial statement for the year 2020
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board
Administration of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat
Status report on the accounts for the year 2019
Approval of the final accounts for the year 2019
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board:
Activities of the TIR Executive Board:
Report by the Chair of the TIR Executive

Report of the eighty-third session of the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB)
Français Русский
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board
Activities of the TIR Executive Board
International databases and electronic tools managed by the TIR secretaria
Data requirements for the customs offices module of the International TIR Data Bank

Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
72nd session
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board:
Activities of the TIR Executive Board:
Report by the Chair of the TIR Executive
Prices of TIR Carnets
  English Français Русский
Audit of the accounts of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat
Developing appropriate procedures concerning evaluation of qualified organizations and the periodic assessment

Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Audit of the accounts of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat
Alternative financing arrangement

Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Audit of the accounts of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Audit of the accounts of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat
Monitoring and evaluation of the documentation submitted by the international organization

Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Revision of the Convention
Accepted amendment proposals to the Convention pending formal adoption
Various amendment proposals to the body of the Convention and introducing Annex 11
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Revision of the Convention:
Amendment proposals to the Convention transmitted by the TIR Executive Board
Publishing information on customs offices using the International TIR Data Bank
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Revision of the Convention
Amendment proposals to the Conventiontransmitted by the TIR Executive Board
Submission of data to the International TIR Data Bank Holders Module
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Revision of the Convention
Amendment proposals to the Convention transmitted by the Working Party
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board:
Activities of the TIR Executive Board:
International databases and electronic tools managed by the TIR secretaria
Data requirements for the customs offices module of the International TIR Data Bank

Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board:
Activities of the TIR Executive Board:
International databases and electronic tools managed by the TIR secretaria
Data requirements for the customs offices module of the International TIR Data Bank

Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Audit of the accounts of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat
Action plan to promote accession to and implementation of the TIR Convention and the eTIR international system, including intermodal aspects of the TIR Convention
Note by the secretariat
  English Français Русский
Activities and administration of the TIR Executive Board:
Activities of the TIR Executive Board:
Report by the Chair of the TIR Executive
Report of the eighty-second session of the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB)
  English Français Русский