Joint Meeting RID/ADR/ADN (WP.15/AC.1)
WP.15/AC.1 Informal documents (Geneva, 19-23 March 2012)
Note for delegates: As part of the secretariat's effort to reduce expenditure, informal documents will not be available in the conference room for distribution to session participants. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to the meeting.
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March 2012/INF.45 - (Germany) - Liquefied petroleum gases | ||||||||
German | ||||||||
March 2012/INF.44 Carriage in bulk | ||||||||
English | Excel | |||||||
March 2012/INF.43 Carriage in bulk | ||||||||
English | PPT | |||||||
March 2012/INF.42 - Report of the Working Group on Tanks | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.41 - (CEN) - Agreed comments by Members of the Joint Meeting on draft standards dispatched by CEN since the last sessioneport of the Standards Working Group(18th meeting) | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.40/Rev.1 - (Germany) | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.39 - (Secretariat) - Terms of reference for a packging "waste" Working Group | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.38 - (OTIF) - Sub-section | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.37 - Report of the Standards Working Group(18th meeting) | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.36 - (OTIF) - Anwendung von Normen bzw. technischen Regelwerken | ||||||||
German | ||||||||
March 2012/INF.35 - (Romania) - Comments on the Informal document INF. 17 - Report of the informal working group on the carriage in bulk and proposal of amendment to CV36 and AP5 | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.34 - (Romania) - Comments on the informal document INF. 3 - The Definition of “Shipment”/“Expédition” in RID/ADN/ADR | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.33 - (France) - Carriage of empty uncleaned packaging discards – alternative proposal to 2012/9 | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.32 - (EIGA) - Premature activation of safety valves in the carriage of refrigerated liquefied gases in RID/ADR tanks; taking over the provisions for portable tanks with respect to holding times and reference holding times for RID/ADR tanks | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.31 - (Switzerland) - Carriage of empty uncleaned packaging wastes – alternative proposal to 2012/9 - Comments on UK proposal in INF. 29 and on proposal 2012/9 | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.30 - (Secretariat) - Satellite navigation system GLONASS | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.29 - (United Kingdom) - Carriage of empty uncleaned packaging wastes – alternative proposal to 2012/9 | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.28 - (EIP) - Carriage of empty uncleaned packaging waste | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.27 - (FIATA) - Physical and administrative inspections in terminals in accordance with 7.5.1 | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.26 - (OTIF) - Satellitennavigationssystem Glonass Verpflichtende Einfhrung von Glonass-Gerten in Russland | ||||||||
German | ||||||||
English | ||||||||
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English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.24 - (Sweden) - Comments on INF.21RID/ADR and Radioactive Material | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.23 - (CEN) - Consolidated comments by Members of the Joint Meeting on draft standards dispatched by CEN since the last session | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.22 - (Belgium) - Informal working group on additive devices | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.21 - (United Kingdom) - RID/ADR and Radioactive Material | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.20 - (Switzerland) - Definition of LPG | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.19 - (Germany) - Assignment of fire extinguishers to UN No. 1044 | ||||||||
English | ||||||||
March 2012/INF.18 - (Germany) - Type approval of accessories for tanks in accordance with Chapter 6.8 | ||||||||
English | ||||||||
March 2012/INF.17 - (United Kingdom) - Report of the informal working group on carriage in bulk 6-7th February 2012 | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.16 - (Belgium) - Carriage of empty uncleaned packaging waste: Alternative proposal for 2012/9 from the Government of France | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.15 - (Spain) - C.S.C (Level of Deficiency) | ||||||||
English | ||||||||
March 2012/INF.14 - (OTIF) - Report of the 9th session of the working group on telematics - (Annexes I-II) | ||||||||
English | ||||||||
Annex III | Study on the Application of Telematics in Dangerous Goods Transport | |||||||
Annex IV | Research Project of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development | |||||||
Annex V | Working Group Telematics 16-18 January 2012, Paris | |||||||
Annex VI | CEN Worshop Agreement SCUTUM - WG Telematic | |||||||
Annex VII | GEOTRANSMD | |||||||
Annex VIII | Twiif | |||||||
Annex IX | French Views on Deployment of eCall | |||||||
Annex X | Trusted Multi Application Receiver for Trucks | |||||||
Annex XI | Digital Tachograph Network | |||||||
Annex XII | Telematic WG Use Cases | |||||||
March 2012/INF.13 - (OTIF) - Access to the Universal Postal Union building (UPU) | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.12 - (OTIF) - Transitional provision in | ||||||||
English | ||||||||
March 2012/INF.11 - (Romania) - Report of the informal working group on Definitions (Paris, 19-20 January 2012) | ||||||||
English | XLS | |||||||
March 2012/INF.10 - (Secretariat) - Security provisions for explosives | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.9 - (Germany) - Notification in accordance with | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.8 - (Secretariat) - Correction du texte français du RID/ADR/ADN | ||||||||
French | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.7 - (Secretariat) - Harmonisation with the UN Model Regulations – Corrections and amendments to RID/ADR/ADN | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.6 - (Germany) - Transport of Damaged Lithium Batteries | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.5 - (Switzerland) - Proposal for amendments to annexes A and B of ADR | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.4 - (Switzerland) - Texts of the RID/ADR/ADN for 2013 | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.3 - (Secretariat) - Definition of “Shipment”/“Expédition” in RID/ADN/ADR | ||||||||
English | DOC | |||||||
March 2012/INF.2 - (Secretariat) - List of documents per agenda items | ||||||||
English |