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33rd session

ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the GHS
AC.10/C.4 Informal documents 33rd session

NOTE: As part of the secretariat's effort to reduce expenditure, informal documents made available one week prior to the session on this website will not be available in the conference room for distribution to session participants. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to the meeting.

UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.19 (RPMASA) - RPMASA survey to clarify which countries have GHS regulations, which require numbering of SDS subheadings and which do not, and if both approaches are acceptable to all countries
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.18 (Russian Federation) - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Chemical Dialogue activities on exchange of data on GHS implementation
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.17 (RPMASA) - RPMASA awareness raising and capacity building activities in South Africa
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.16 (United States of America) - Dust explosion hazards: Proposed clarifications to document ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2017/3
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.15 (Secretariat) - Work of the Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods on its fifty-first session on matters of interest to the GHS Sub-Committee
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.14  (United States of America) Assessing the potential development of a global list of classified chemicals
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.13 - UN/SCETDG/51/INF.44 (Sweden) Updated draft programme of work for the revision of GHS Chapter 2.1
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.12 - (CEFIC, EIGA) Proposal for a new classification for chemicals under pressure
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.11 - (Belgium) Proposed corrections to document ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2017/2
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.10 - (Sweden) Global GHS implementation: explaining the implementation gap
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.09 - (UNITAR) Amendments to Annex 7, example 7: single packagings
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.08 - (Secretariat) Provisional timetable for the thirty-third session and calendar of meetings of GHS informal working groups
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.07 - UN/SCETDG/51/INF.15 (Sweden) Status of the work of the informal correspondence group on the revision of GHS Chapter 2.1
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.06 - Use of non-animal testing methods for classification of health hazards: Status report and proposed continuance of work
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.05 - UN/SCETDG/51/INF.13 (Secretariat) Access to the Palais des Nations
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.04 - UN/SCETDG/51/INF.10 (CEFIC, WONIPA) Classification of desensitized explosives for the purposes of supply and use according to UN GHS paper chapter 2.17: test results on industrial nitrocellulose
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.3/Add.2 - UN/SCETDG/51/INF.7/Add.2 -(Chairman of the Working Group on Explosives) Revision of the Manual of Tests and Criteria: Part II: (Sections 20 to 28)
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.3/Add.1 - UN/SCETDG/51/INF.7/Add.1 -(Chairman of the Working Group on Explosives) Revision of the Manual of Tests and Criteria: Part I: Section 10
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.3 - UN/SCETDG/51/INF.7 - (Chairman of the Working Group on Explosives) Revision of the Manual of Tests and Criteria: Section 1
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.2 - (Secretariat) List of documents under agenda item
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UN/SCEGHS/33/INF.1 - (Secretariat) List of documents
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