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86th session

Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15)

WP.15 Informal documents, 86th session (5 - 8 May 2009)

Informal document No.22 - (CEFIC) Comments on ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2009/1
English DOC (29 Kb) PDF (11 Kb)
Informal document No.21 - (Russian Federation) Restrictions for the circulation of high consequence dangerous goods
English ---- PDF (87 Kb)
Informal document No.20 -(Secretariat) Biennial evaluation
English DOC (896 Kb) PDF (92 Kb)
Informal document No.19 - (WHO) Instructions for shipments of swine influenza a(H1N1) specimens and virus isolates to WHO collaborating centres for influenza
English ---- PDF (40 Kb)
Informal document No.18 - (Sweden) Instructions in writing
English DOC (44 Kb) PDF (10 Kb)
Informal document No.17 - (Secretariat) Seventy-first session of the Inland Transport Committee - Draft list of main decisions - Monitoring implementation of legal instruments (in two parts Coverpage and INF17B (the text of INF.17 of the Inland Transport Committee)
Coverpage - English DOC (31 Kb) PDF (6 Kb)
INF.17B - English ---- PDF (317 Kb)
Informal document No.16 - (Secretariat) Seventy-first session of the Inland Transport Committee - Draft list of main decisions – gender issues
English DOC (44 Kb) PDF (10 Kb)
Informal document No.15 - (Sweden) Tunnel restriction code in transport document - Comments in response to ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2009/5 from Austria
English DOC (30 Kb) PDF (6 Kb)
Informal document No.14 - (Sweden) Updating of Standards referred to in - Addendum to ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2009/2
English DOC (43 Kb) PDF (10 Kb)
Informal document No.13 - (Secretariat)European Commission study on transport of High Consequence Dangerous Goods
English DOC (32 Kb) PDF (10 Kb)
Informal document No.12 - (Belgium) Section (k) : Transport document -Comments of Belgium to ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2009/9 of Portugal
English DOC (33 Kb) PDF (16 Kb)
Informal document No.11 - (Secretariat) Seventy-first session of the Inland Transport Committee - Draft list of main decisions
English DOC (68 Kb) PDF (29 Kb)
French DOC (58 Kb) PDF (34 Kb)
Russian DOC (73 Kb) PDF (87 Kb)
Informal document No.10 - (Sweden) Sections 8.2.1 and 8.2.2: Driver training - Comments in response to INF.3 (ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2009/4) from the United Kingdom
English DOC (79 Kb) PDF (34 Kb)
Informal document No.9 - (Belgium) Sections 8.2.1 and 8.2.2: Driver training -Comments of Belgium to ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2009/4 of the United Kingdom
English DOC (35 Kb) PDF (12 Kb)
Informal document No.8 - (Sweden) Instructions in writing
English DOC (44 Kb) PDF (11 Kb)
Informal document No.7 - (Germany) Table A of Chapter 3.2 - tunnel restriction code, column (15)
English DOC (33 Kb) PDF (8 Kb)
Informal document No.6 - (United Kingdom) Comment on document ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2009/7 (Note by the Vice-Chairperson)
English DOC (32 Kb) PDF (7 Kb)
Informal document No.5 - (Secretariat) Provisional timetable
English DOC (48 Kb) PDF (8 Kb)
Informal document No.4 - (Sweden) Additional text concerning MEMUs
English DOC (32 Kb) PDF (9 Kb)
Informal document No.3 - (United Kingdom) - Sections 8.2.1 and 8.2.2: Driver training
English DOC (76 Kb) PDF (40 Kb)
Informal document No.2 - List of documents per agenda item and annotations
English DOC (61 Kb) PDF (10 Kb)
Informal document No.1 - Liste des documents a mettre a disposition
English DOC (30 Kb) PDF (5 Kb)