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Displaying Results 61 - 80 of 281

- English
Harmonization and partnership are key elements to ensure interoperability of international standards. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has worked with partner organizations to ensure that the guidance we provide on topics like international trade are harmonized with their work. One key success story is the partnership with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) which
- English
Work on the United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations (UN/LOCODE) was started in 1972 by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Working Party on Facilitation of International Trade Procedures, which was the predecessor of the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT). In 1980 the first edition of Recommendation N°16 on UN/
- English
In many countries, companies involved in international trade must prepare and submit large volumes of information and documents to governmental authorities to comply with import, export and transit-related regulatory requirements. Often, this information and documentation must be submitted to several different agencies, each with their own specific (manual or automated) systems and paper forms.
- English
The UN/CEFACT Blockchain White Paper Project oversaw the preparation of two White Papers. The first, which looks at Blockchains’ impact on the technical standards work of UN/CEFACT, has been published (ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2019/8). This is an update of the second White Paper, which looks at how Blockchain
- English
Inshell Walnuts Poster The UNECE standard applies to inshell walnuts* free from outer husks, of varieties (cultivars) grown from Juglans regia L., intended for direct consumption or for food when intended to be mixed with other products for direct consumption without further processing. It does not apply to inshell walnuts that are processed by salting, sugaring, flavouring, roasting or for
- English
A Code of Good Practice which helps maintain quality along the fresh fruit and vegetables supply chains, to prevent and reduce food loss and waste. It sets out measures to be taken at the various stages of the supply chain before the fruit and vegetables reach the consumer, i.e. from harvest to retail and supports continued improvement, step by step. Real improvement, however, can only be
- English
The garment and footwear industry has one of the biggest environmental footprints and poses great risks for human health and society. At the same time, the complexity and opacity of the value chain makes it difficult to identify where such impacts occur and to devise necessary targeted actions. In the next decades, fast fashion trends, coupled with growing demand in emerging economies, are
- English
Technology is entering into every aspect of the supply chain and providing performant and innovative tools. As many are just starting to talk about the dematerialization of certain documents used in trade and transport, others are investigating how devices can communicate information directly to the rest of the supply chain without human intervention. Smart Containers are taking the digital
- English
Trade facilitation is a key factor in national competitiveness and in the economic development of countries. At the same time, the development of a simplified and automated trade environment is a challenging reform programme for any country. It requires strategic vision, leadership, change management, collaboration, and coordination between various stakeholders. It is also a well-known fact
- English
It is fair to say that trade facilitation is a key policy priority for most if not all the trading nations. The benefits for implementing trade facilitation provisions such as the ones in the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement are well documented. However, the need for measuring progress of the provisions remain as strong as ever. Since 2015 the United Nations
- English
Within the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) has developed a series of some 30 recommendations and standards that are used worldwide to simplify, standardize and harmonize trade procedures and information flows. Many of these are now international standards of the International
- English
Since 2010, the UNECE has been undertaking demand-driven national studies of regulatory and procedural barriers to trade, with a view to: helping countries achieve greater regional and global economic integration; informing donors as to where assistance might be required; and, supporting policy discussions within the Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards (previously, the
- English
Gender Responsive Standards publication (ECE/TRADE/445) makes the case for mainstreaming gender in the development and implementation of standards. The first chapter places the discussion in the larger perspective of how standards contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030. It reviews the role of
- English
This Glossary (ECE/TRADE/377/Rev.2) represents an English-Russian-Chinese dictionary of terms that are widely used in trade facilitation. This is the third, revised and completed edition including new terms in trade facilitation and electronic business. For the first time it incorporates a Chinese version of the terms, thus
- English
Public procurement alone represents 15-20% of the global GDP, while procurement commitments under the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Public Procurement (GPA) have been estimated at around EUR 1.3 trillion. This is enormous purchasing power that can drive investment and innovation towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns, to address for instance, challenges linked
- English
Streamlining border crossing and helping traders to access international markets can provide significant stimulus to national economies and directly supports the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17, specifically on promoting a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable trading system in target 17.10. One of the key smart connectivity solutions a
- English
This guide (ECE(TRADE/434) has been developed to assist Certifying Authorities (CAs) in the operation of their seed potato certification service and to encourage standardisation in the operation of seed potato certification services between CAs. The guide is also intended to assist countries that are not implementing the Standard to establish a seed potato certification system and a CA and
- English
This publication (ECE/TRADE/444) presents the results of an ongoing research on the practical experience of regulatory authorities, governments and local administrations, as well as regional groups of countries, in using standards towards sustainable development and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The focus of the present volume
- English
Since 2010, the ECE has been undertaking demand-driven national studies of regulatory and procedural barriers to trade, with a view to: helping countries achieve greater regional and global economic integration; informing donors as to where assistance might be required; and supporting policy discussions within the Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards (previously, the Committee on
- English
This Guide (ECE/TRADE/441) is a practical tool to help trainers in the preparation, delivery and follow up to a set of training workshops.   Both this guide and the workshop materials have been prepared by the UNECE Secretariat, with the support of subject matter experts as well as training experts. All training materials can be