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Working Documents (ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009 and Informal Documents)

Informal document No.6 - (Secretariat) Item 5 (a): Revised text of European Code for Inland Waterways (CEVNI)

English DOC (8.10 MB) PDF (6.52 MB)
French DOC (7.13 MB) PDF (6.01 MB)
Russian DOC (8.04 MB) PDF (6.87 MB)
Informal Document No. 5 - (Secretariat) - Item 6 (a): European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance (AGN)
English PDF(562 KB)
Informal Document No. 4 - (Republic of Serbia) - Item 7 (c): Harmonization of the legal framework for International Inland Waterway Transport : The proposal for pan-European Rules on General Average
English PDF(20 KB)
Russian PDF(96 KB)
Informal Document No. 3 - (CCNR) - Item 5 (a): Draft revised text of annexes to European Code for Inland Waterways
English PDF(39 KB)
Russian PDF (114 KB)
Informal Document No. 2 - (Secretariat) - Item 5 (a): Draft revised text of annexes to European Code for Inland Waterways
English PDF (6,09 KB)
French PDF (5,61 KB)
Russian PDF (6,25 KB)
Informal Document No. 1 - (Secretariat) - Item 5 (a): Draft revised text of European Code for Inland Waterways
English PDF (726 KB)
French PDF (652 KB)
Russian PDF (726 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/13 - (Romania, Russian Federation, Serbian, Ukraine) Establishment of common principles and technical requirements for Pan-European river information service
English PDF (33 KB)
Russian PDF (94 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/12 - (Secretariat) Biennial evaluation and programme of work 2010-2014
English PDF (56 KB)
French PDF (64 KB)
Russian PDF (142 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/11/Add.1 - (Serbia) The 1988 Strasbourg convention on limitation of liability in inland navigation
English PDF (75 KB)
French PDF (31 KB)
Russian PDF (73 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/11 - (CCNR) Convention de Strasbourg de 1988 relative à la limitation de la responsabilité en navigation intérieure
English PDF (63 KB)
French PDF (65 KB)
Russian PDF (164 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/10 - (Secretariat) Harmonization of the legal framework for International Inland Waterway Transport : Application of UNECE Resolutions relating to Inland Navigation
English PDF (108 KB)
French PDF (114 KB)
Russian PDF (222 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/9 - (Secretariat) Harmonization of the legal framework for International Inland Waterway Transport
English PDF (24 KB)
French PDF (26 KB)
Russian PDF (86 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/8 - (Belgium and Russian Federation) Inland Waterway Infrastructure: Inventory of most important bottlenecks and missing links in the E waterway network (Resolution No. 49)
English PDF (16 KB)
French PDF (18 KB)
Russian PDF (62 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/6 - (Secretariat) Amendments to Recommendations on Minimum Requirements for the Issuance of Boatmaster’s Licences in Inland Navigation with a view to their Reciprocal Recognition for International Traffic (Resolution No. 31). Local knowledge requirements existing in the UNECE Region
English PDF (109 KB)
French PDF (18 KB)
Russian PDF (113 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/5 - (Secretariat) Amendments to Recommendations on Minimum Requirements for the Issuance of Boatmaster’s Licences in Inland Navigation with a view to their Reciprocal Recognition for International Traffic (Resolution No. 31)
English PDF (118 KB)
French PDF (18 KB)
Russian PDF (173 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/4 - (Chairman of the informal working group on CEVNI) Standardization of technical and safety requirement in inland navigation : Amendments to European Code for Inland Waterways (CEVNI)
English PDF (184 KB)
French PDF (195 KB)
Russian PDF (326 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/3 - (Secretariat) Inland Transport Committee: Policy Segment on Inland Water Transport
English PDF (80 KB)
French PDF (31 KB)
Russian PDF (76 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/2 - (Secretariat) White paper on efficient and sustainable Inland Water Transport in Europe: Draft White Paper on Efficient and Sustainable Inland Water Transport in Europe
English PDF (33 KB)
Russian PDF (102 KB)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2009/1 - (Secretariat) Progress on the plan of action to implement the decisions of the 2006 Bucharest Pan-European Conference on Inland Water Transport
English PDF (127 KB)
French PDF (84 KB)
Russian PDF (158 KB)