Environment Press Releases
Displaying Results 351 - 369 of 369
Geneva Reducing economic barriers to access to safe drinking-water is one of the key objectives of the Second Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health, which starts today in Bucharest, Romania. Representatives from 34 European countries, including both Parties and non-
Geneva The Committee on Environmental Policy met in Geneva from 2 to 5 November 2010 to advance the preparations for the seventh “Environment for Europe” (EfE) Ministerial Conference, which will bring together ministers and representatives of civil society and business in Astana (Kazakhstan
Geneva The full procedure of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in a transboundary context according to the Espoo Convention has been applied for the first time in Belarus. The projected Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Neman River, located 11 kilometers from the Lithuanian-Belarusian
Geneva Azerbaijan’s National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) was launched on 12 October 2010 in Baku. Representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Economy, Public Health, Industry and Energy, as well as water companies, non-governmental organizations
Geneva A workshop on transboundary water management in Central Asia is being organized from 13 to 15 October 2010 in Almaty to help tackle some of the problems causing tensions between different uses and users of water by providing an accurate picture of the state of shared water resources in
Geneva he twenty-ninth meeting of the Compliance Committee of the UNECE Aarhus Convention took place in Geneva from 21 to 24 September 2010. The main outcomes of the meeting were as follows: The Committee discussed the substance of communication ACCC/C/2009/44 alleging non-
Geneva The UNECE-led National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in Georgia was officially initiated on 14-17 September 2010 in Tbilisi. Over these four days, the representative of the UNECE Water Convention Secretariat held a series of meetings with representatives of
Geneva 28 July 2010 will mark an important milestone in international efforts aimed at improving the global situation in water supply and sanitation with the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of a resolution recognizing access to clean water and sanitation as a human right. The
Geneva A Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-making was established on 30 June 2010 at an extraordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties to the UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
Geneva The first meeting of the Ad Hoc Expert Group on Black Carbon under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution was held in Brussels, Belgium on 17-18 June 2010. Representatives, observers and researchers from Europe, North and South America and Asia convened to
Geneva The Compliance Committee of the UNECE Aarhus Convention received its 50th communication shortly before its 28th meeting, which took place in Geneva from 15 to 18 June 2010. The Aarhus Convention’s Compliance Committee was established by the Parties to the Convention at their first
Geneva On May 26-27 2010, the UNECE secretariat of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP), in cooperation with Albania’s Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration, held a kick-off meeting in Tirana to initiate the country’s participation under the
Geneva The first meeting of the governing body of the 2003 Kiev Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTR), which entered into force on 8 October 2009, concluded in Geneva yesterday. The Parties to the Protocol committed to achieve full and effective implementation of the
UNECE celebrates the 10th anniversary of its Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, which entered into force on 19 April 2000. The Convention aims at preventing industrial accidents as well as preparing and responding to it should an accident occur. In its first
Geneva On 11 April, UNECE received the 2010 Regional Award from the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA). The award was presented at the Association’s annual conference, held in Geneva, with 700 participants from around the globe.UNECE was selected for this honour because of
Geneva The Extended Bureau of the UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy met on 16 and 17 March 2010 to further prepare the Seventh Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe”. The “Environment for Europe” process and its Ministerial Conferences provide a high-level platform for
Geneva Environmental problems such as global warming, land degradation and loss of biological diversity, transboundary disputes linked to the use of water and other natural resources, the effects of unsustainable consumption – addressing these challenges requires a change of attitude in
Geneva The twenty-seventh meeting of the Compliance Committee of the UNECE Aarhus Convention took place in Geneva from 16 to 19 March 2010. The main outcomes of the meeting were as follows:The Committee discussed the substance of communications concerning:a) Armenia, in connection with
UNECE to take part in the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, 10-12 March, Parma
Geneva Ján Kubiš, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), will take part in the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health to be held on 10-12 March 2010 in Parma (Italy). Some 800 participants, including high-level government officials,