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Statistics Publications

Displaying Results 21 - 40 of 233

- English
The use of administrative data for censuses continues to increase across the countries of the UNECE region and beyond. Administrative sources are used in a wide variety of ways, from supporting operations in a traditional census all the way to fully register-based censuses. It is important that
- English
Climate change is an existential threat and provides an immense challenge for humanity. A better understanding of all its aspects, through monitoring, modelling, analysis and reporting, is crucial to decide on the best course of action. This document presents a set of core internationally
- English
The lockdown that followed the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 posed unprecedented challenges to produce the consumer price index (CPI) in many countries. The closing of retail outlets and difficulties with collecting prices from outlets that remained open caused significant drops in the
- English
Strategic communication is a relatively new concept for most statistical organizations, which have traditionally focused their efforts and resources on dissemination practices and systems. A strategic communication function can guide the development and implementation of a communication strategy.
- English
This report provides a progress assessment on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the region of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), based on the data available in the United Nations Global SDG Indicators Database and on the statistical methodology commonly used by all
- English
Unequal power relations operate not only in the public world but also in the private sphere, within households. This Guidance has been developed to support national statistical offices in developing ways to measure power in the private sphere, looking at who usually makes decisions about a variety
- English
As the number of international migrants has grown, it is becoming increasingly important for the public and policymakers to understand migratory flows and the impact of migration on individuals, families, societies and economies. For this, it is necessary to look at change over time, as underscored
- English
Measuring the activities of multinational enterprise groups is one of the major challenges facing producers of official statistics today. Sharing data nationally and internationally on the activities of multinational enterprise groups has become necessary to ensure the high quality of official
- English
When the Covid-19 pandemic broke out in March 2020, preparations for the 2020 round of population and housing censuses were well underway in countries across the UNECE region: some were already in the field, while the majority were in the advanced stages of planning for a 2021 census. The impacts
- English
This publication provides guidance on applying various approaches to data disaggregation for measuring poverty and aims to improve the international comparability of poverty statistics. Regardless of how accurate the national measures of poverty are, their usefulness will be limited if they mask
- English
Gender statistics, like statistics on any other topic, are valuable to users only if they are easily found and accessible, and if users find them relevant and easy to understand. National statistical offices  must take extra care when communicating gender statistics to balance the need to
- English
This Guide introduces seasonal adjustment and gives practical guidance to national statistical offices in producing seasonal adjusted monthly or quarterly time series covering all steps in the production process, from the evaluation of the original data series to the dissemination and communication
- English
The population census is not just about counting how many people live in a country, but also providing information about age, sex, and other key characteristics that allow countries to paint a picture of how different groups, with different needs, are spread out across the country. In fact, the
- English
The idea of viewing human knowledge and abilities as an asset and to estimate its value is not new but has gained more prominence in recent years. ln 2016, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) published the "Guide on Measuring Human Capital"with the objective of pursuing the
- English
Many countries and regions are facing two increasingly stark trends: rapid urbanization and a growing number of natural disasters caused by climate change-related hazards. Combined, they substantially increase the risk to which many people are exposed. The increasing number and magnitude of
- English
This report reviews the situation and trends in progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the lens of 49 selected indicators under each of the 17 SDGs. Indicators were selected based on their relevance to the UNECE region and availability of data. For the most part, the
- Pусский
Statistics on social and demographic topics are usually produced from surveys of private households. People living in institutions are often excluded because it can be complicated and expensive to identify and sample the institutions and their residents. But populations across the UNECE region
- English
Statistics on social and demographic topics are usually produced from surveys of private households. People living in institutions are often excluded because it can be complicated and expensive to identify and sample the institutions and their residents. But populations across the UNECE region
- English
Leading, composite and sentiment indicators make it possible for official statistics to shed new light on aspects of the economy and the society, for instance through compilation of leading indicators on the economic development or composite indicators measuring the well-being of households.This