No. 17 - (UNECE TER Project) Trans-European Railway (TER) Project |
English only | ---- | PDF (2.71 MB) |
No. 16 - (Secretariat) European Agreement on Main International Railway Lines (AGC) - The E-rail traffic census |
English only | ---- | PDF (1.59 MB) |
No. 15 - (Secretariat) Activities of UNECE bodies and projects of interest to the Working Party - Working Party on Intermodal Transport and Logistics (WP.24) |
English only | ---- | PDF (1.78 MB) |
No. 14 - (Secretariat) Euro-Asian Transport Corridors |
English only | ---- | PDF (941 KB) |
No. 13 - (Secretariat) Activities of UNECE bodies and projects of interest to the Working Party - Group of Experts on Hinterland Connections of Seaports (GE.1) |
English only | ---- | PDF (673 KB) |
No. 12(a) - (ERA) The European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) Project |
English only | ---- | PDF (736 KB) |
No. 12(b) - (ERA) Economic Evaluation Activities of the European Railway Agency |
English | ---- | PDF (2.25 MB) |
French | ---- | PDF (2.30 MB) |
No. 11(a) - (Mr. T. Kaczmarek, Polish Railways) - Workshop on Rail Security |
French only | ---- | PDF (95 KB) |
No. 11(b) - (Mr. V. Ternavskyi, Polish Railways) Workshop on rail security |
French only | ---- | PDF (1.68 MB) |
No. 11(c) - (Mr. V. Ternavskyi, Polish Railways) Workshop on rail security |
French only | ---- | PDF (51 KB) |
No. 10 - (V. Westrheim, Norwegian National Rail Administration) Workshop on Rail Security |
English only | ---- | PDF (1.02 MB) |
No. 9 - (Mr. J. P. Lehman, UIC) Workshop on rail security |
English | ---- | PDF (1.13 MB) |
French | ---- | PDF (1.13 MB) |
No. 8 - (Mr. J. Colliard, UIC) - Workshop on Rail Security |
French only | ---- | PDF (29 KB) |
No. 7 - (EU) DG TREN Report on freight oriented networks and the implementation of the second railway package |
English only | ---- | PDF (612 KB) |
No. 6 - (Ms. A. Frye, Ann Frye Limited) - Future activities of the Working Party - Rail transport of passengers with mobility handicaps |
English | ---- | PDF (605 KB) |
No. 5 - (OTIF) Interoperability and harmonization of conditions of different rail transport systems |
English | ---- | PDF (3.16 MB) |
Russian | ---- | PDF (1.57 MB) |
No. 4 - (CIT) Facilitation of International Rail Transport - Progress of the common consignment note (CIM/SMGS) project |
English only | ---- | PDF (1.03 MB) |
No. 3 - (Russian Railways (RZD)) - Euro-Asian transport corridors - Container block trains on Euro-Asian transport links |
English | ---- | PDF (747 KB) |
Russian | ---- | PDF (833 KB) |
No. 2 - (Secretariat) Euro-Asian transport corridors - Container Block Trains |
English only | ---- | PDF (624 KB) |
No. 1 - (Note by the secretariat) Consolidated version of the AGC |
English | DOC (289 KB) | PDF (232 KB) |
French | DOC (415 KB) | PDF (238 KB) |
Russian | DOC (320 KB) | PDF (243 KB) |