Standards permeate our everyday lives. Any product and service we use is built on the basis of one or many standards. Be it a simple coffee machine or a complex energy plant, “there is a standard for that!”. More importantly, standards help build a safer and more sustainable and resilient planet Earth. This is why it is so important to make sure that new generations are aware of what standards and regulations are and how they can be used to meet global goals and targets.
In focus
The Start-Ed initiative and Focal Point network of experts on Education on Standardization has continued progressing its work with return on experience "Educating undergraduate students in the ecological transition for sustainable development" by Mr. Sebastien Chevalier, Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France and discussing the recent survey on mapping the needs of actors in education on standardization at its April 2024 meeting.
- Key deliverables
Symbol & Title
Issued date
Recommendation I on Education on standards-related issues2012 PDF PDF PDF ECE/TRADE/C/WP.6/2012/6
Concept note for the Workshop on “Introducing standards-related issues in educational curricula”, including a proposed model programme on standardization2012
- International Trade, standards and regulation module
- Module on the benefits of standardization to society
- Management system standards
ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2022/7 Annex II
"Module on standards-related environmental issues"2022
Bringing Standardization in University Curricula: Making the Case2018
- Other resources
The following is a non-exhaustive list of resources on the topic which have been identified by the working party. Other resources can be added if pertinent; please contact the secretariat. This list does not constitute an endorsement of any kind and is presented for information.
Issued date
Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV)
Overview in "Benefits of standardization to society"
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO Management system standards ISO Link Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Education Guide 3 on "Standardization: Fundamentals, Impact, and Business Strategy"
- History
In 1970, the UNECE Government Officials Responsible for Standardization Policies, the predecessor of WP. 6, developed Recommendation I that urged governments to include standardization in the curricula of educational institutions.
Under traditional educational approaches standards are considered highly technical and of interest to engineers only. Within an increasingly globalized economy, knowledge of safety requirements and standards applied in international markets is one of the key factors of success or falure of companies seeking to enter foreign markets. Labor markets are beginning to seek experts with standards related competencies who understand how standards and regulations could complicate approaching foreign markets.
WP.6 recommends Governments to encourage education establishments to introduce standardization into their curricula and particularly within universities for students studying law, economics and management.
WP.6 established the initiative on Education on standardization (START-Ed) at its twenty-second session in November 2012. This initiative groups together experts from academia to promote good practices and to share national experience.
START-ED Group elaborated a model programme on education on standardization and relevant teaching materials; a number of universities in the UNECE region already used these tools and have started teaching standardization to their students.
- Impact
Text forthcoming
- Events
Official meetings of the initiative of education on standardization (START-Ed)
- Ninth meeting, 3 April 2024, virtual meeting
- Eighth meeting, 26 May 2023, virtual meeting
- Seventh meeting, 7 June 2022, virtual meeting
- Sixth meeting, 23 November 2021, from 16:30hrs, fully virtual meeting
- Fifth meeting, 2 November 2020, virtual WebEx teleconference
- Fourth meeting, 21 November 2019, Geneva, Switzerland [Meeting minutes - part of WP.6 annual session report, Agenda Item 9, paras 60 to 76)
- Third meeting, 3 November 2015, Geneva, Switzerland [Meeting minutes]
- Second meeting, 26, November 2014, Geneva, Switzerland [Meeting minutes]
- First meeting, 20 November 2013, Geneva, Switzerland [Meeting minutes]
Other events related to education on standardization organized by WP.6
- Meeting of the initiative, November 12, 2024
- Follow-up meeting to the ninth annual meeting, July 5, 2024
- Report of the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies on its twenty-ninth session, Panel: “Teaching a new generation of standards settlers: innovative approaches” and Panel “Education on standards for sustainable development”, ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2019/2 ENG, FRA, RUS
- Report of the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies on its Workshop on "Introducing Standards-related issues into Education Curricula" held as part of its twenty-second session
- Report of the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies on its twenty-second session (paras 27 to 80).
- Policies and procedures
Symbol & Title Issued
Report of the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies on its twenty-second session (paragraph 80)2012 PDF PDF PDF - Books / brochures
Issued date
A World Built on Standards: A Textbook for Higher Education
Danish Standards Foundation
Newell Hampson-Jones
Higher Education and Standardization: Knowledge Management between Generations
British Standards Institution
White Paper on Paperless Trade2018
Nizar Abdelkafi, Rudi Bekkers, Raffaela Bolla, Alejandro Rodriguez-Ascaso, Michelle Wetterwald
Understanding ICT Standardization: Principles and Practices
Samuel O. Idowu, Henk J. de Vries, Ivana Mijatovic, Donggeun Choi
Knowledge and Education About Standardisation
Springer Nature Switzerland AG