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6th session

Group of Experts on Benchmarking Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs
Sixth session

Registration form or  online registration
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.4/11 - Annotated provisional agenda for the sixth session (1-2 May 2018)
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.4/12 - Report of the sixth session (1-2 May 2018)
Informal documents
Informal document No. 1 (6th session) - Forthcoming
Informal document No. 2 (6th session) - Transport Infrastructure Construction costs: Presentations of terminologies used - Questionnaire on railways and terminology - Submitted by PKP Polish Railway Lines (PKP PLK)
PDF (English only)
Informal document No. 3 (6th session) - Forthcoming
Informal document No. 4 (6th session) - Transport Infrastructure Construction costs: Presentations of terminologies used - Construction cost of waterways - Submitted by the Government of Turkey
PDF (English only)
Road Infrastructure Construction Costs (Mr. Mücahit Arman, General Directorate of Turkish highways, Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications of Turkey)
English only