ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.4/11 - Annotated provisional agenda for the sixth session (1-2 May 2018) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.4/12 - Report of the sixth session (1-2 May 2018) |
Informal document No. 1 (6th session) - Forthcoming |
Informal document No. 2 (6th session) - Transport Infrastructure Construction costs: Presentations of terminologies used - Questionnaire on railways and terminology - Submitted by PKP Polish Railway Lines (PKP PLK) |
Informal document No. 3 (6th session) - Forthcoming |
Informal document No. 4 (6th session) - Transport Infrastructure Construction costs: Presentations of terminologies used - Construction cost of waterways - Submitted by the Government of Turkey |
Road Infrastructure Construction Costs (Mr. Mücahit Arman, General Directorate of Turkish highways, Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications of Turkey) |