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2nd session

Group of Experts on Climate Change impacts and adaptation for international transport networks
Second session (Geneva, 8 November 2011)
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.3/4 - Report of the Expert Group on Climate Change impacts and adaptation for international transport networks on its second session
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.3/3 - Annotated provisional agenda for the second session
Working Documents
Informal document No. 1 - (Secretariat) Detailed Programme of Work 
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Informal document No. 2 - (Draft report) Climate Change: an overview of the scientific background and potential impacts affecting transport infrastructure and networks
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Informal document No. 3 - (Secretariat) Provisional Programme of the International Conference “Adaptation of Transport Networks to Climate Change”
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Informal document No. 4 - (Secretariat) Outline of the contents of the final report of the Expert Group
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Informal document No. 5 - (Secretariat) Questionnaire for collection of information on existing and potential climate change impacts on transport as well as degree of preparedness and relevant policies for adaptation
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Mr. André Leuxe (DGITM - Ministère de l’écologie, du développement durable, des transports et du logement, France) - Infrastructures et services de transport  : Concertation nationale et Adoption d’un premier plan national d’adaptation au changement climatique
Mr. Amir H. Delju (WMO) - Climate Prediction and Adaptation Branch, WMO
Mr. Christian Kamburow (IZT - Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment, Berlin) - Climate Change Adaptation at European Railway Infrastructure Companies: Results of the UIC ARISCC project
Mr. John Dora (Network Rail, UK) - Climate Change Adaptation and Transport – UK and Rail
Prof. A.F. Velegrakis (University of the Aegean, Greece) - Climate change: an overview of the scientific background and potential impacts affecting transport infrastructure and networks

Note: the Group of Experts title mentioned on this page is the former one.