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Working Documents 2004

TRANS/SC.1/2004/12 - Addresses of competent authorities regarding the AETR
English only DOC (62 KB) PDF (28 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2004/11 - (Secretariat) Accession to and implementation of UN/ECE international legal instruments in the field of road transport
English only DOC (54 KB) PDF (24 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2004/10/Rev.1 - (Secretariat) Draft Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for SC.1
English ---- PDF (309 KB)
French ---- PDF (41 KB)
Russian ---- PDF (139 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2004/10 - (Secretariat) Draft Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for SC.1
English DOC (213 KB) PDF (33 KB)
French DOC (141 KB) PDF (146 KB)
Russian DOC (91 KB) PDF (111 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2004/9 - IRU position on haulage security in the EU and beyond
English DOC (53 KB) PDF (98 KB)
French DOC (110 KB) PDF (109 KB)
Russian - - - - - - - PDF (83 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2004/8 - IRU position on road user charging for HGVs
English DOC (52 KB) PDF (83 KB)
French DOC (96 KB) PDF (102 KB)
Russian DOC (50 KB) PDF (61 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2004/7 - (Romania) Consideration of new proposals for amendments to Annex I to the AGR
English DOC (55 KB) PDF (20 KB)
French DOC (55 KB) PDF (93 KB)
Russian DOC (53 KB) PDF (74 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2004/6 - (President of the Council of Bureaux) International Motor Insurance System (Green Card)
English DOC (55 KB) PDF (106 KB)
French DOC (62 KB) PDF (25 KB)
Russian DOC (60 KB) PDF (84 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2004/5 - (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine) Issuance of visas to professional drivers
English DOC (101 KB) PDF (51 KB)
French DOC (122 KB) PDF (135 KB)
Russian DOC (126 KB) PDF (168 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2004/4 - Report on the TEM Project
English DOC (1,747 KB) PDF (179 KB)
French DOC (388 KB) PDF (238 KB)
Russian DOC (4,320 KB) PDF (238 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2004/3 - Consideration of the development of a Protocol to the CMR (Country positions)
English only DOC (92 KB) PDF (42 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2004/2 - Proposals for amendments to Annex I to the AGR presented by Estonia
English DOC (954 KB) PDF (222 KB)
French DOC (1,756 KB) PDF (304 KB)
Russian DOC (1,754 KB) PDF (295 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2004/1 - Reservations to R.E.4
English DOC (230 KB) PDF (23 KB)
French DOC (158 KB) PDF (170 KB)
Russian DOC (94 KB) PDF (113 KB)
French only DOC (90 KB) PDF (19 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2002/4/Rev.4 - Consolidated Resolution on the Facilitation of International Road Transport (R.E.4), 30 April 2004
English DOC (254 KB) PDF (216 KB)
French DOC (188 KB) PDF (207 KB)
Russian DOC (466 KB) PDF (455 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2002/4/Rev.4/Corr.1 - Consolidated Resolution on the Facilitation of International Road Transport (R.E.4), 30 April 2004 (corrigendum)
Russian only DOC (39 KB) PDF (99 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2002/13/Rev.2 - AGR - Note by the secretariat (English and French only)
English - - - - - - - - PDF (37 KB)
French - - - - - - - - PDF (37 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/2003/3/Rev.1 - Consolidated text of proposals for amendments to the AGR, Annex II
English DOC (121 KB) PDF (47 KB)
French DOC (122 KB) PDF (197 KB)
Russian DOC (130 KB) PDF (199 KB)
TRANS/SC.1/371/Add.1/Rev.1 - Consolidated proposals for amendments to the AETR (Introduction of the digital tachograph)
English DOC (256 KB) PDF (205 KB)
French DOC (211 KB) PDF (237 KB)
Russian DOC (216 KB) PDF (281 KB)