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Displaying Results 441 - 460 of 2825

- English
While the second half of 2020 was marked by the warranted fight against the COVID-19 pandemic which continued to change the face of the world, our ambitions for a better global road safety were not scaled back. COVID-19 has taught us to move away from the “silo mentality” and instead align development goals with each other - resulting in higher impact policies and programs.
- English
The UN Road Safety Fund was established in 2018 as a UN multi-partner trust fund pursuant to the General Assembly resolution 70/260 and with the support of the UN Secretary-General. It aims to help low- and middle-income countries put in place an effective national Safety System to substantially
- English
Gender statistics, like statistics on any other topic, are valuable to users only if they are easily found and accessible, and if users find them relevant and easy to understand. National statistical offices  must take extra care when communicating gender statistics to balance the need to remain impartial with the obligation to produce relevant data to inform policymaking and answer the needs of
- English
The availability of integrated, relevant, high-quality, timely and easily accessible environmental information provides the means for assessing environmental status and the foundation for meaningful and informed environmental governance. Timely, relevant, reliable and easily accessible environmental information is also essential to efforts to inform citizens about the quality of their environment
- Pусский
Report of the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE region on its first session The first session of the regional forum was held on 25 April 2017 and was chaired by Laurence Monnoyer-Smith, Commissioner General for Sustainable Development and Interministerial Delegate for Sustainable Development for the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Seas of France.
- Français
Report of the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE region on its first session The first session of the regional forum was held on 25 April 2017 and was chaired by Laurence Monnoyer-Smith, Commissioner General for Sustainable Development and Interministerial Delegate for Sustainable Development for the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Seas of France.
- English
Report of the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE region on its first session The first session of the regional forum was held on 25 April 2017 and was chaired by Laurence Monnoyer-Smith, Commissioner General for Sustainable Development and Interministerial Delegate for Sustainable Development for the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Seas of France.
- English
The Forest Products Annual Market Review 2019-2020 provides a comprehensive analysis of markets in the UNECE region and reports on the main market influences outside the UNECE region. It covers the range of products from the forest to the end user - from roundwood and primary processed products to value-added, housing and wood energy. Statistics-based chapters analyse the markets for wood raw
- Pусский
Опубликовано: Ноябрь 2020 В целях поддержки компетентных органов и операторов в практической реализации Руководящих принципов и надлежащей практики обеспечения эксплуатационной безопасности хвостохранилищ  Агентство по охране окружающей среды Германии (UBA) в 2016 г.
- English
In order to support competent authorities and operators in the practical implementation of the
- English
Harmonization and partnership are key elements to ensure interoperability of international standards. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has worked with partner organizations to ensure that the guidance we provide on topics like international trade are harmonized with their work. One key success story is the partnership with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) which
- English
Updated Guidelines on the use of the UNRSF brand and logo
- English
Member States in the ECE and WHO European Region established the Transport, Health and Environment Pan European Programme (THE PEP) in 2002. By providing an intersectoral and intergovernmental policy framework, THE PEP promotes mobility and transport strategies that integrate environmental and health concerns. Over the years, THE PEP has led to the development of implementation mechanisms to
- Pусский
Многие страны мира ослабляют связанные с COVID-19 ограничения на передвижение людей и товаров различными видами транспорта. Действия, представленные в этом документе, были определены на основе обзоров различных источников, включая появляющуюся научную и неизданную литературу, веб-сайты международных и неправительственных организаций, базы данных и сборники тематических исследований, а также
- Français
De nombreux pays du monde assouplissent les restrictions de voyage liées au COVID-19 sur la circulation des personnes et des marchandises par divers modes de transport. Les actions présentées dans ce document ont été identifiées à partir d'examens de diverses sources, y compris la littérature scientifique et grise émergente, les sites Web d'organisations internationales et non gouvernementales,
- English
Many countries around the world are easing COVID-19 travel restrictions on the movement of people and goods by various modes of transport. The actions presented in this document have been identified through reviews of various sources, including emerging scientific and grey literature, websites of international and nongovernmental organizations, databases and collections of case studies and news
- English
This Guide introduces seasonal adjustment and gives practical guidance to national statistical offices in producing seasonal adjusted monthly or quarterly time series covering all steps in the production process, from the evaluation of the original data series to the dissemination and communication of the seasonally adjusted series. The Guide can be used in introducing new staff to seasonal
- Français
L’ADR, fait à Genève le 30 septembre 1957 sous l'égide de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe, est entré en vigueur le 29 janvier 1968. Cet Accord est destiné à accroître la sécurité du transport international de marchandises dangereuses par route. Ses annexes A et B imposent les conditions dans lesquelles les marchandises dangereuses, lorsqu'elles ne sont pas interdites,
- English
Adopted on 30 September 1957 in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the ADR entered into force on 29 January 1968. This authoritative Agreement is intended to increase the safety of international transport of dangerous goods by road. Its Annexes A and B contain the technical requirements for road transport, i.e. the conditions under which
- Pусский
The present publication contains the third Environmental Performance Review of Uzbekistan. The report examines the progress made by the country in the management of its environment since it was reviewed for the second time in in 2009–2010 and assesses the implementation of the recommendations made in the second review. The EPR covers legal and policy frameworks and environmental compliance