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Environment Policy Publications

Displaying Results 381 - 400 of 921

- Français
Le Protocole sur l’eau et la santé stipule qu’« un accès équitable à l’eau et à l’assainissement, adéquat du point de vue aussi bien quantitatif que qualitatif, devrait être assuré à tous les habitants, notamment aux personnes défavorisées ou socialement exclues ». En outre, « une attention
- Pусский
Доступный в английском и русском языках.26 стр., Женева, 2012 г.Этот перечень система была разработана в поддержку подготовки, аудита и проверки отчетов по
- English
Available in English and Russian26 pp., Geneva, 2012This checklist system was developed to support the preparation, auditing and inspection of safety reports.
- Pусский
Доступно на английском и русском языках.56 стр., Женева, 2012 г.Эти руководящие принципы были разработаны подробные рекомендации и инструкции по использованию
- English
Available in English and Russian 56 pp., Geneva, 2012 These guidelines have been developed to provide
- English
The Water Sector Reform aims at laying the foundations for an Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) approach to the utilisation of Tajikistan’s water resources, based on decentralization and outsourcing services in a transitional process towards a shared responsibility between the
- English
The Water Sector Reform aims at laying the foundations for an Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) approach to the utilisation of Tajikistan’s water resources, based on decentralization and outsourcing services in a transitional process towards a shared responsibility between the
- English
The European Union Water Initiative (EUWI) National Policy Dialogues (NPD) programme on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is one of the tools of promoting dialogue and cooperation on the management and protection of transboundary waters along the border of Europe and Asia. This
- English
This is the second EPR of the former Yugoslav Republic  of Macedonia published by UNECE. The report takes stock of the progress made by the country in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 2003. It assesses the implementation of the recommendations in the
- English
The shrinking of the Aral Sea — one of the greatest man-made environmental disasters — has affected the livelihoods and health of millions of people in Central Asia. It is a shocking example of the disastrous consequences of the unsustainable use of water resources. Today, the efficient and
- Pусский
Document Title RUS Структура и функции Комитета по осуществлению и процедуры рассмотрения соблюдения RUS
- Français
Document FRA Règlement intérieur du Comité d’application FRA
- English
Structure and functions of the Implementation Committee, procedures for the review of compliance, and consolidated operating rulesConvention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary ContextElectronic-only publication, available in
- English
Resource Manual to Support Application of the Protocol on Strategic Environmental AssessmentElectronic-only publication, available in English, and
- English
This booklet contains guidance on the policy related to water-related disease surveillance developed by the Task Force on Water-related Disease Surveillance established under the Protocol on Water and Health. Download the publication in
- English
This guidance is intended to assist the countries that are Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health in establishing and/or strengthening their detection and early warning systems, contingency plans and capacity to respond to outbreaks of water-related disease accordance with article 8 of the
- English
Roadmap on the National Policy Dialogue on IWRM in Tajikistan. National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management in Tajikistan under the European Union Water Initiative.The Roadmap of the National policy Dialogue (NPD) on integrated water resources management (IWRM) in Tajikistan
- English
Country Report on Mapping of Major Stakeholders and Programmes in Tajikistan.National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management in Tajikistan under the EU Water Initiative.Prepared by: Leif Iversen, Consultant, Grontmij A/S, Denmark, Leif.
- Pусский
Страновой Отчет по Картированию Основных Заинтересованных Сторон и Программ в Таджикистане.Национальный Политический Диалог по Интегрированному Управлению Водными Ресурсами в Таджикистане в рамках Водной Инициативой Европейского Союза.Составили: Лейф Иверсон, Консультант, Grontmij A/S, Дания,
- English
Extreme weather events, including floods and droughts, are increasing in frequency and intensity. They affect the operation of water-supply, drainage and sewerage infrastructure, and the functioning of wastewater treatment plants, thereby affecting the protection of public health. Parties to the