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Financing Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins

Financing Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins

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New publication supports transboundary basins in preparing bankable project proposals for climate change adaptation

Water, climate and finance know no borders- which brings challenges and opportunities: The majority of freshwater worldwide flows in transboundary basins and most climate change impacts are felt through the water cycle. Transboundary cooperation in climate change adaptation is crucial for preventing mal-adaptation and for making adaptation in shared basins more effective. However, while there are some good practices available, many basins struggle in accessing funds for climate change adaptation from different sources. 

River basin organizations have an important role to play in transboundary basins in this process. Understanding and managing the special risks and complexities of transboundary river basin projects are critical to preparing bankable project proposals that will attract public and private financing partners. The report: Financing climate change adaptation in transboundary basins: Preparing bankable projects, aims to address this situation. Launched in February 2019, it was prepared by the World Bank in cooperation with the UNECE, the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), the African Water Facility/ African Development Bank, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Inputs have also been provided by numerous other organizations such as the Global Environment Facility, the Green Climate Fund, several river basin organizations and the Mexican Water Authority. 

This report highlights the challenges and opportunities that countries face when seeking to access financial resources for climate adaptation in a transboundary river basin context. By outlining the basic characteristics and criteria for the preparation of bankable project proposals, the paper endeavors to serve as a guide for those interested in accessing grant and concessional financing for adaptation in transboundary river basins.

Download the publication in English, French, Russian and, Spanish.