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UNDA Road Safety Management Capacity Building Project


Strengthening the national road safety management capacities of selected developing countries and countries with economies in transition


Project Title:

Strengthening the national road safety management capacities of selected developing countries and countries with economies in transition

Start date:

June 2015

End date:

December 2017


US$ 498,000

Beneficiary Countries:

Albania, Georgia, the Dominican Republic and Viet Nam

Executing Entity:

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

Co-operating Agencies:

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

The proposed project aims to assist four countries in the ECE, ESCAP and ECLAC regions to address their priority road safety needs by improving their national road safety management systems. The project activities will be implemented in four low- or middle-income countries: Albania, Georgia, the Dominican Republic and Viet Nam. They have highest mortality and motorisation growth rates in their respective regions and require international assistance to improve national road safety situation and develop road safety management systems.

The first step in building the national road safety management capacities will be to assess country road safety situation and road safety management system through the Road Safety Performance Review. Assessment should identify: limitation in capacities, financial and human resources, necessary statistical capabilities and other pressing economic or social problems which have prevented countries from establishing or upgrading their road safety management system. Identification of gaps in national legal and regulatory framework, compliance with international road safety instruments and coordination of road safety stakeholders will be addressed in the Road Safety Performance Review as well.

On the basis of assessment, most critical aspects and priority needs in road safety management system will be identified. Based on identified relevant priority areas national capacity building workshops will be prepared and implemented to enhance national road safety management system capacity. Furthermore, project aims to help countries to raise public awareness on road safety issues and sensitize public and non-governmental sector on the need to set ambitious road safety targets and adopt specific measures to meet them.

Through publication of project documents (Road Safety Performance Review) on national languages and preparation of the dedicated web page, the project will share the good practices and raise the awareness of the beneficiary countries about the critical needs to timely and adequately address road safety challenges and emphasise the importance of the accession and implementation of the key UN road-safety related legal instruments, as an effective means for improving road safety management at the national level.

The project will be implemented by three UN Regional Commissions: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). The ECE Sustainable Transport Division will lead and coordinate the proposed inter-regional project.

Strengthening the national road safety management capacities of selected developing countries and countries with economies in transition - pdf

A1.1 Organize four preparatory missions by relevant Regional Commission staff to the beneficiary countries to discuss with national authorities the objectives, outlines and timelines of the Road Safety Performance Reviews; This preparatory mission will result in the agreement between the respective Regional Commission and beneficiary country where specific areas to be reviewed are defined.

A1.2 Organize four fact-finding missions by relevant Regional Commission staff and project consultants to the beneficiary countries to interview national authorities and other stakeholders;

A1.3 Organize four final missions by relevant Regional Commission staff and project consultants to the beneficiary countries to present the main findings of the final draft Road Safety Performance Reviews to the national authorities and other stakeholders (back to back with A2.1);

A1.4 In collaboration with national governments, finalize the Country Road Safety Performance Review by relevant Regional Commission staff and project consultants, translate, publish and launch the Road Safety Performance Reviews in English and the relevant national language;

A2.1 Organize four capacity-building one-day national workshops to initiate national dialogue on the Road Safety Performance Reviews, and to provide training in priority areas identified in the reviews (back to back with A1.3); The capacity-building national seminars would be attended by national government officials and other relevant road safety stakeholders. The objective is to provide general training on priority areas identified through the Road Safety Performance Reviews.

A2.2 Organize four follow up capacity-building two-day national workshops on the accession and implementation of UN road-safety related legal instruments. The objective is to provide in-depth training on specific priority areas identified through the Road Safety Performance Reviews.

A2.3 Create project web page as part of the UNECE Transport Division web presentation where relevant project activities and results are published in order to disseminate project results and the best practice; Web page will be promoted in all project activities and through relevant Regional Commission road safety activities (meetings, workshops, working parties, etc.).


Albania : Road Safety Performance Review Albania
Georgia : Road Safety Performance Review Georgia
The Dominican RepublicRoad Safety Performance Review Dominican Republic
Viet Nam : Road Safety Performance Review Viet Nam


Background documents 

PDF  Albanian Road Code 2015

PDF  Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020

Mission I
Tirana, Albania, November 2015


PDF  List of relevant topics for Road Safety Performance Review
PDF  List of relevant road safety stakeholders and topics to be discussed

Mission II
Tirana, Albania, December 2016


PDF  Road Safety Performance Review - Albania (Draft Outline of the Final Report)


Albania Road Safety Performance Review
Capacity Building Workshop
Durres, Albania, 6-7 February 2018 


PDF Draft agenda

Session I

PDF Road Safety Performance Review Project (N. Nikolic, UNECE)
PDF The Road Safety Performance Review Albania (E. Alite, Lead National Consultant)
PDF Road  Safety  Management in Albania (N. Berxhiku, Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, A. Hasani, Albanian Road Authority)
PDF Road Safety activities of Institute of Transport (M. Lumi, Institute of Transport)
PDF Road safety and road user behavior (S. Ismaili, Albanian State Police)
PDF Albanian Road Safety Performance Review (E. Lameborshi, Auto Club Albania)

Session II

PDF International transport of dangerous goods by road I (S. Mansion, UNECE)
PDF International transport of dangerous goods by road II (S. Mansion, UNECE)
PDF Needs and Uses of Road Safety Data within the UN SafeFITS Model (E. Papadimitou, NTUA, Greece)

Session III

PDF UN vehicle regulations agreements (F. Guichard, UNECE)






Background documents 


PDF  Development of a road crash database in Georgia
PDF  Georgia’s National Road Safety Strategy 2016
PDF  Research of drivers (Georgian Alliance for safe roads)
PDF  Road Safety Institutional Set Up for Georgia: Recommendations based on international experience (S. Job, World Bank)
PDF  Road Safety Management Capacity - Georgia
PDF  Safer transit options for passenger
PDF  The implementation and launch of digital tachographs 




Mission I
Tbilisi, Georgia, December 2015


PDF  List of relevant topics for Road Safety Performance Review
PDF  List of relevant road safety stakeholders and topics to be discussed 




Mission II
Tbilisi, Georgia, November 2016


PDF  Road Safety Performance Review - Georgia (Draft Outline of the Final Report)
PDF  Fact finding mission Draft Programme








Mission III
Tbilisi, Georgia, December 2016


PDF  Draft agenda






Georgia Road Safety Performance Review
Capacity Building Workshop
Kachreti, Georgia, 26-27 April 2017 

PDF Draft agenda 

Session I


PDF Georgia Road Safety Performance Review (N. Nikolic, UNECE)
PDF Road Safety Performance Review (G. Kvashilava, Lead National Consultant)


Session II


PDF Speed Management and Enforcement (Ph. J. Wijers, IRF)




Session III


PDF Vehicle Agreements: approval – certification – inspection (W. Nissler, UNECE)
PDF Vehicle Agreements: periodic technical inspection (W. Nissler, UNECE)
PDF On-going activities in safer vehicle pillar in Georgia (S. Uriadmkopeli, National Consultant)


Session IV


PDF Initiatives to Reduce Drink Driving (M. Plotnikova, IARD)
PDF Road safety policy dialogue conclusions (E. Laliashvili, National consultant)







Road Safety Performance Review
Final Capacity Building Workshop
Kachreti, Georgia, 15-16 February 2018 

PDF Draft agenda 

Session I

PDF RSPR Project – state of the art (N. Nikolic, UNECE)
PDF The Road Safety Performance Review Albania (N. Berxhiku, Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy)
PDF Road Safety Performance Review (G. Kvashilava, Lead National Consultant)

Session II

PDF Reliable statistics - A key for better road safety policy (N. Menton, UNECE)
PDF UNECE Transport Statistics within the 2030 Development Agenda (N. Menton, UNECE)

Session III

PDF Needs and Uses of Road Safety Data within the UN SafeFITS Model (E. Papadimitou, NTUA, Greece)





Dominican Republic

Background documents

PDF  List with legal and government documents regarding road safety policies in the Dominican Republic

Mission II
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 2016

PDF  Draft Agenda 
PDF  Decree 263-16, 20 September 2016, creating the Presidential Commission for Road Safety
PDF  Strengthening the national road safety management capacities of selected developing countries and countries with economies in transition (N. Nikolic, UNECE)



Capacity building workshop
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, April 2017

PDF  Draft Agenda 






Capacity building workshop
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, December 2017

PDF  Draft Agenda 



Capacity building workshop
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, February 2018

PDF  Draft Agenda 




Viet Nam

Background documents

PDF  Road Traffic Safety Management Systems: Roadmap to implementation in Viet Nam
PDF  Regional Action Programme for Sustainable Transport Connectivity in Asia and the Pacific, phase I, 2017-2021
PDF  Regional Road Safety Goals, Targets and Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2016-2020
PDF  Road Safety Guidelines for the Asian and Pacific Region (ADB)

Mission I
Hanoi, Viet Nam, March 2016

PDF  UNDA Project on “Strengthening the National road safety management capacities of selected Developing Countries and Countries with Economies in Transition”
PDF  UNECE 360° Approach  to Road Safety (N. Nikolic, UNECE)
PDF  Strengthening the national road safety management capacities of selected developing countries and countries with economies in transition (N. Nikolic, UNECE)
PDF  Progress in Road Safety in Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)



Mission II
Hanoi, Viet Nam, October 2016

PDF  Draft Programme for fact-finding mission 

Capacity building workshop I
Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam, January 2017

PDF  Introduction to the Project (Ministry of Transport)
PDF  Introduce the outline of Viet Nam Road Safety Performance Report (Ministry of Transport)
PDF  5-year results of Road Traffic Safety Strategy Performance and measures to implementing resolution (Le Van Thanh, Ministry of Transport)
PDF  Interim report of road safety performance report (Viet Nam National Consultant Team)
PDF  Some differences between Convention on Road Traffic and 2008 Road Traffic Law (Hoang Hong Hanh, Derectorate for Roads of Viet Nam)
PDF  Assessment of Implementation of the 2008 Law on Road Traffic (Pham Truong Thang, UNESCAP)
PDF  Global and regional mandates and updates on road safety progress (UNESCAP)
PDF  Regional Road Safety Goal, Targets and Indicators for Asia and the Pacific, 2016-2020 (UNESCAP)
PDF  Analysis of gaps of the provisions relating to National technical regulations on traffic signs and signals (Vũ Hoài Nam, Đỗ Duy Đỉnh, National University of Civil Engineering)
PDF  European agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport (AETR) (R. Nowak, UNECE)
PDF  United Nations road safety legal instruments: 1968 Convention on Road Traffic (R. Nowak, UNECE)



Capacity building workshop II
Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam, June 2017

PDF  Draft Agenda
PDF  Strengthening the national road safety management capacities of selected developing countries and countries with economies in transition (T. Rasamit, UNESCAP)
PDF  RSPR Project – Junction design (N. Nikolic, UNECE)



National Road Safety Policy development – trends and challenges

Tbilisi, Georgia
13-14 November 2018

Draft Agenda

Session I


Road Safety Policy Framework - international experiences

Global Framework Plan of Action for Road Safety (Nenad Nikolic, UNECE) PDF

Safe System Approach (Emma MacLennan, EASST) PDF

European Union Road Safety Action Plan (Katerina Folla, NTUA, Greece) PDF

Mainstreaming road safety (Natalya Stankevich, The World Bank) PDF

ADB's support for Road Safety in Georgia and the region (Zaigham Narqvi, Asian Development Bank) PDF


Session II


 How to define Road Safety Policy

SEETO Regional Road Safety Strategy: A systematic tool for improving Road Safety (Dejan Jovanov, Road safety expert) PDF

UK Road Safety Programme (Emma MacLennan, EASST) PDF

Regional Road Safety Action Plan (Dejan Jovanov, TRACECA) PDF

National Road Safety Policy development - trends and challenges (Emil Ahmadov, Azerbaijan) PDF

Road Safety situation in Armenia (Poghos Shahinyan, Armenia) PDF

Road Safety situation in Belarus (Aliaksandr Tsahelnik, Belarus) PDF

Road Safety Policy in Georgia (Georgia) PDF

National Road Safety Policy in Kyrgyzstan (Nursultan Mukaev, Kyrgyzstan) PDF

National Road Safety Policy in Tajikistan (Begijon Ziyoev, Tajikistan) PDF


Session III


Tools for better road safety decision making

The SafeFITS Model (Katerina Folla, NTUA, Greece) PDF

RSPR From Reforming to Performing (Gela Kvashilava, Georgia) PDF

RSPR Case of Albania (Edmond Alite, Albania) PDF

Georgia Road Safety Management Capacity Review (Natalya Stankevich, The World Bank) PDF

SafeFITS – Pilot project Georgia and Albania (Nenad Nikolic, UNECE) PDF

Safety Cube - the European Road Safety Decision Support System (Katerina Folla, NTUA, Greece) PDF

Tools for Road Safety Benchmarking - TRACECA/SEETO examples (Dejan Jovanov) PDF


UN Transport Legal Instruments – a tool for better Road Safety Management

Geneva, Switzerland, 5-7 July 2017

PDF  Draft agenda

Session I

Welcome/ Opening speech 

UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for Road Safety Jean Todt (video message)
PDF  UN Transport Legal Instruments – a tool for better Road Safety Management (F. Dionori, UNECE)
PDF  Road Safety Performance Review (P. Gautam, UNECE)
PDF  Strengthening of the national road safety management capacities Project – state of the art (N. Nikolic, UNECE)

Road Safety Performance Review from the beneficiary country perspective

PDF  Road Safety Situation in Albania (N. Berxhiku, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Albania)
PDF  The Road Safety Situation in Uganda (R. Amanyire, Ministry of Work and Transport; S. Kasiima, Police Force, Uganda)

Road Safety Performance Review – national reports

PDF  Road Safety Performance Review - Albania (E. Alite, Lead National Consultant)
PDF  Road Safety Performance Review - Georgia (G. Kvashilava, Lead National Consultant)

Session II

UN Legal Instruments on Transport of Dangerous Goods

PDF  International transport of dangerous goods by road - Dangerous Goods and Safety (S. Mansion, UNECE)
PDF  International transport of dangerous goods by road - UN Mechanisms for the Transport of Dangerous Goods (S. Mansion, UNECE) 
PDF  International transport of dangerous goods by road - ADR Agreement (S. Mansion, UNECE)

Road safety best practice in beneficiary countries

PDF  Legislation - Albania
PDF  Vehicle Inspection - Albania
PDF  Traveler - a road safety ITS technology - Cameroon (D. N. Mbamome, Ministry of Transport, Cameroon)
PDF  Periodic Technical Vehicle Inspections & Driving Permits - Uganda (R. Amanyire, Ministry of Works and Transport, Uganda)
PDF  Ongoing/implemented projects and reforms in 2015-2017 - Georgia (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Georgia)

Session III

Safer Road Infrastructure and Speed Control

PDF  Safer Road Infrastructure & Speed Control & Speed Control (B. Halleman, IRF)
PDF  Safer Road Infrastructure & Speed Control & Speed Control (Ph. J. Wijers, IRF)

Session IV

Safer vehicles

PDF  Type Approval Certification - Periodic Technical Inspection (W. Nissler, UNECE)
PDF  UNECE and Intelligent Transport Systems (W. Nissler, F. Guichard, UNECE)

Session V

Combat against drink-driving

PDF  Strategy to Prevent and Reduce Drinking and Driving (International Alliance for Responsible Drinking)

Contact Us


Executing Entity:


UNECE Transport Division
Palais des Nations - CH-1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 (0) 22 917 2401 - Fax: +41 (0) 22 917 0039

Project manager:
E-mail: nenad.nikolic(at)


Co-operating Agencies:

ECLAC - United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America
E-mail: azhar.jaimurzina(at)


ESCAP - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Ms. Thanattaporn RASAMIT
E-mail: thanattaporn.rasamit(at)