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Housing and Land Management Press Releases

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Leaders from cities worldwide have reaffirmed the value of sharing experience, knowhow and partnerships as part of an inclusive multilateral process at the 4th UNECE Forum of Mayors.   At the Forum of Mayors, themed "Cities Summit of the Future," city leaders exchanged concrete experiences on
Many low- and middle income households across Europe continue to be burdened by an affordable housing crisis, warns the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in a new report.  Housing stress is experienced by over one third of households in Europe belonging to the lower 40% of
Kharkiv, the second most populous city in Ukraine, is among the urban areas most affected by the war and has been the target of intense shelling over the last weeks. Despite these hugely challenging circumstances, Kharkiv is looking ahead and planning for its future.  As part of the new concept
Cities are on the front lines of addressing humanity’s most pressing challenges, from climate change to migration as well as natural disasters and socioeconomic inequalities.   City leaders from across the globe will convene for the 4th Forum of Mayors (Geneva, 30 September – 1 October) to discuss
Kharkiv, the second most populous city in Ukraine situated just 30 km from the Russian border, is among the urban areas most affected by the war and the target of renewed shelling over the last weeks.   According to its Mayor, Ihor Terekhov, 150,000 of the approximately 1.3 million people in the
Ahead of the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin on 11 – 12 June 2024, UNECE Executive Secretary Tatiana Molcean visited Kyiv from 4 to 6 June to discuss UNECE support for the country’s reconstruction and recovery with Ukrainian government officials, the United Nations Country Team, the
As part of the new Masterplan Concept being developed for Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second most populous city, the Norman Foster Foundation along with the Kharkiv City Council, the UNECE UN4UkrainianCities Initiative, Arup, the Kharkivproject Institute and Buildner are launching an international
A joint assessment by the Government of Ukraine, the World Bank Group, the European Commission and the UN released in March 2023 estimated the cost of reconstruction and recovery at USD 411 billion. As the destruction of the war continues, UNECE is stepping up its support in preparation for
Leaders from over 40 cities worldwide have reaffirmed the value of sharing experience, knowhow and partnerships as part of an inclusive multilateral process at the Third UNECE Forum of Mayors.   City representatives shared their experiences in finding urban regeneration solutions that meet the
Faced with complex challenges of rapid urbanization, the cities of Almaty (Kazakhstan) and Podgorica (Montenegro) will benefit from new UNECE recommendations to help sharpen their efforts for smart and sustainable development. The Smart Sustainable City Profiles, presented today to the UNECE
The 3rd Forum of Mayors will bring together some 50 city leaders from around the world at the United Nations in Geneva on 2-3 October to share practical experiences of urban regeneration, and to help harness cities’ unique role in addressing some of the key challenges of our time.   Mayors will
Housing is one of the sectors most affected by the war in Ukraine, with over US$50 billion of damage recorded since the invasion by the Russian Federation. In Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, some 3,367 apartment buildings and 1,823 single apartment buildings have been destroyed and damaged
Overall damage to the housing sector alone following the Russian invasion of Ukraine is estimated at over US$50 billion. In Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, some 3367 apartment buildings and 1823 single apartment buildings have been destroyed and damaged, according to the City Council. The
Technology and digitalization are reshaping the land administration undertaken by governments to manage land and cadastre registries and tenure rights. With this fundamental work key to all planning in both cities and rural areas, for land and property-based taxation, and vital in the fight against
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and Columbia Global Centers | Paris (CGC|Paris), one of the ten global centres of Columbia University in New York City, signed a Memorandum of Understanding recognizing the City Diplomacy Lab at CGC|Paris as a UNECE Centre of Excellence in
Cities are at the forefront of the battle to address some of humanity’s most pressing challenges, from climate change to pandemics and disasters. As our world becomes more urbanized – with approximately 75% of the population of Europe and North America already residing in cities – these issues
A UNECE study on the sharing economy and its effects on housing markets shows how the massive emergence of temporary rental accommodation through platforms such as AirBnB has changed living habits in cities, and highlights a range of policy and regulatory approaches that can be taken to balance
Ihor Terekhov, Mayor of Kharkiv, and Architect Norman Foster presented today details about the new Kharkiv reconstruction master plan approach. It will be based on five pilot projects, chosen in coordination with local residents, and will be developed based on 14 guiding principles discussed with
During the past two weeks, over 10,000 delegates have attended the second part of the Conference of Parties (COP-15) of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Montreal, Canada, as they seek to agree on the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Unsurprisingly, forests are at the
UNECE Executive Secretary Olga Algayerova was in Kyiv on Sunday 9 and Monday 10 October to meet with Government officials to discuss UNECE support to the reconstruction of Ukraine. Since the start of the war, upon official requests for assistance from the government, UNECE has been providing
With over 7.6 million refugees from Ukraine recorded across Europe since the start of the war, cities in neighbouring countries and beyond have welcomed Ukrainian refugees with solidarity and dignity, Mayors and representatives of major host cities in countries including Hungary, Moldova, Poland,
75 years ago, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) started working on forests. Today, we recognize their enormous potential not only for humans, fauna, flora, and the environment, but also for cities. In an urbanizing world, the contribution of forests to cleaning our air and
Countries have taken a step to translate rising commitment for sustainable urban development into concrete changes to the fabric of our cities with the adoption of a UN-backed Declaration.    Today, governments attending the 83rd session of the UNECE Committee on Urban Development, Housing and
In support of the mayor of Kharkiv’s desire to rebuild his city and send a signal recovery to his citizens and the world, renowned artist Michelangelo Pistoletto will offer Kharkiv a “rebirth” sculpture. The artist, through his foundation, had already realized an imponent artwork representing the
UNECE has mobilised international architects to help the city of Mykolaiv, Ukraine’s ninth largest city, develop a forward-looking, people-centred master plan for building back better. This work will be led by One Works, a global design and architecture company, in collaboration with Ukrainian