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Programme of fourth seminar on assessments of the environmental damage resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine: Data Management for Action on the Green Recovery of Ukraine, held on 5 December 2024

GE.3-09-15 - Informal document 5
GE.3-09-14, Presentation 11 -
GE.3-09-04, Informal document No. 5 -

Accounting technique accompanies the business background for more than five centuries when Luca Pacioli, a Venetian monk, invented the modern rules in 1494.
From then onward, a few changes occurred in the very basic practice of debit-credit entries. On the contrary, many happened in the environment of bookkeeping and
audit trail in particular from the voucher toward accounts and back from accounts to the document that makes evidence of the entry.
Much more than ever before, the last ten years (the Internet Years) did hit the businesses of both accountant and auditor. EDI first, internet and ebXML now nurture a drastic shift still to achieve in accounting entries collection, accounting books assembly and financial reporting. The deep changes still to achieve with electronic business evolving maturity opens speculations on the revisited relationship of the enterprise’s operational activities with accounting process. In many respects it is obvious that in the course of its daily duty accounting will have to “deliver more for less effort” as well as other enterprise’s departments.

The project ‘Product Traceability Data Exchange’ is the follow up of the project on Animal Traceability Data Exchange (v1.0 ODP5).
At the first stage, we have focused on the movements of animals or groups of animals from one location to another and in this second stage we will focus on the movements of animal and plant products.
Originally the intention was to elaborate two BRSes, one for traceability of plant products and one for animal products. During the process it became clear that the information elements and the data structure were almost exactly similar. In order not to create a duplication of ABIES and ASBIES in the Core Component Library it was decided to develop one standard for traceability of animal and plant products.
The present document describes traceability processes for animal products (all species) and plant products during processing and transport within a country or across borders.
The business case supported by these processes is:
- All the business parties involved in the chain record T&T (track and trace) information on animal and plant products in a Traceability system
- A T&T requesting party (business, consumer or government) has a question about an animal or plant product, processing step, transport, location or responsible party and requires an immediate answer.
- The T&T system retrieves the required information and sends it to the requesting party
Traceability has been most commonly defined as “the ability to trace the history, application or location of an object” in a supply chain (ISO, 2015).
GS1, Global Standards defines traceability as “the ability to track forward the movement through specified stage(s) of the extended supply chain and trace backward this history, application or location of that which is under consideration (Ryu, 2012).

Farmers must be able to produce reliable records about input and techniques used on crops (type of input, rate and date of application), and on livestock conditions (like the nature of feed, the quantity of feed and the use of drugs).

Demand for traceability implies that farmers are able to register data in the same manner despite the variety of software used for management purposes or the way in which products are sold.

The objectives of this document

  • Harmonization of the definitions of the technical data in order:
    • to speak the same language
    • to be able to exchange information between heterogeneous Information Systems
  • Development of consensual data dictionaries which could to be used as a basis for all the steps of traceability
  • Installation of a standardized Crop Data Sheet message to facilitate the transmission of information since the field for all the vegetables cultures

DAPLOS is an EDIFACT message present in the UN/CEFACT Directory D.05B.

DAPLOS message describes the data crop sheet exchanged between farmers and their partners.

Majority of the farms are Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) and then, the use of ebXML format should be the best way to increase the electronic data interchange.

The purpose of this document is to define the crop data sheet processes for all vegetables dies, using the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM) approach and Unified Modeling Language to describe and detail the business processes and transactions involved.

The structure of this document is based on the structure of the UN/CEFACT Requirements Specification Mapping (RSM) document reference CEFACT/ICG/006.

Farmers must be able to produce reliable records about input and techniques used on crops (type of input, rate and date of application), and on livestock conditions (like the nature of feed, the quantity of feed and the use of drugs). Demand for traceability implies that farmers are able to register data in the same manner despite the variety of software used for management purposes or the way in which products are sold. The objectives of this document • Harmonization of the definitions of the technical data in order: - to speak the same language - to be able to exchange information between heterogeneous Information Systems • Development of consensual data dictionaries which could to be used as a basis for all the steps of traceability • Installation of a standardized Crop Data Sheet message to facilitate the transmission of information since the field for all the vegetables cultures DAPLOS is an EDIFACT message present in the UN/CEFACT Directory D.05B. DAPLOS message describes the data crop sheet exchanged between farmers and their partners. Majority of the farms are Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) and then, the use of ebXML format should be the best way to increase the electronic data interchange. The purpose of this document is to define the crop data sheet processes for all vegetables dies, using the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM) approach and Unified Modeling Language to describe and detail the business processes and transactions involved. The structure of this document is based on the structure of the UN/CEFACT Business Requirements Specification (BRS) document reference CEFACT/ICG/005. 

The objective of this project is to standardize the Business Processes, the Business Transactions and the Information Entities of the technical description and information of the laboratory observations on agricultural samples. The Laboratory Analysis Request message is send by the trade party to the laboratory, requesting the laboratory to perform observations on a sample. The Laboratory Observation Report is a message send by the laboratory to the concerned parties who are eligible to receive the results of the observations on the sample, performed by the laboratory. The observations are done on samples water, soil, agricultural commodities, plant products, animal product and or samples taken from live animals. It includes a broad usage ranging from soil, fertilizer, crop products, animal feed, and health status and diagnostic on live animals. These results are used to obtain information of the quality of soil, water, crop products, animal products, or health information about plants or animals. Only three types of parties are involved, the laboratory, the requesting party and the receiving parties.

The e-Labs analysis request is a message send by the party ordering one or more analyzes on the sample to be performed by the laboratory. The e-Labs observation report is a message send by the laboratory to the concerned parties who are eligible to receive the results of the observations on the sample, performed by the laboratory. The observations are done on samples water, soil, agricultural commodities, plant products, animal products and or samples taken from live animals. It includes a broad usage ranging from soil, fertilizer, crop products, animal feed, and health status and diagnostic on live animals. These results are used to obtain information of the quality of soil, water, crop products, animal products, or health information about plants or animals.
Only three types of parties are involved, the laboratory, the requesting and receiving parties.

The objective of this project is to standardize the Business Processes, the Business Transactions and the Information Entities of the technical description and information of the bovine livestock farming. The cattle registration information exchange process is used between cattle registration offices and with EU authorities, in case of the international movement of bovine animals. The electronic animal passport is used by inspectors of authorities to identify and verify individual animals. The electronic animal passport is a special type of an e-Certificate. The exchanged information is composed out of the core information about the individual animal,  its identity and identification characteristics, and vetenarian health information, together with the records  of the locations and periods  the animal has been kept, or has been transported.

The objective of this document is to standardize the Business Processes, the Business Transactions and the Information Entities of the technical description and information of the bovine livestock farming. The Business Process is the detailed description of the way partners intend to play their respective role, establish business relationship and share responsibilities to interact efficiently with the support of their respective information system. The business documents are composed of Business Information Entities (BIE), which when available, are taken from the library of reusable business information entities and when not found, are proposed as new Business Information Entities. The contents of the business documents and the Business Information Entities are presented using class diagrams. 

The project ‘Animal Traceability Data Exchange’ has a very broad scope. In this project we will start sub projects dedicated to a manageable scope.  At the first stage, we will focus on the movements of animals or groups of animals from one location to another and in a second stage we will focus on the movements of animal products. The present document describes traceability processes for live animals, groups of animals and fish during transport within a country or across borders. The species concerned are: porcine, ovine, caprine, bovine, equine, poultry  and fish. The business case supported by these processes is: - All the business parties involved in the chain record T&T (track and trace) information on animals and animal movements in a Traceability system - - A T&T requesting party (business or government) has a question about an animal, group of animals, transport, location or responsible party and requires an immediate answer. The T&T system retrieves the required information and sends it to the requesting party The term “animal” designates the individual animal (e.g. cow) but also the group of animals (e.g. poultry, pigs, fish.). For the purpose of this document, the definition of traceability is: ‘Traceability is retrieving information about the origin and history of an animal, a group of animals or animal products.’ 

Programme of Work: Planned result: A discussion with ToS-ESG experts, to guide UN-level co-operation to scale-up traceability and transparency for sustainable value chains.

Moderator: Christian Hudson, Chair, Team of Specialists on Environment, Social and Governance (ToS-ESG)


UN/CCL 24A -  Released on 3 December 2024

E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.13 - E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.13

Meat report 2024 by Bucky Gwartney

Seed Potatoes report 2024 by Hanna Kortemaa

DDP report 2024 by Dorian LaFond

FFV report 2024 by Cyril Julius

Supporting UNECE member States in the development and implementation of the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) and the United Nations Resource Management System (UNRMS)
Period of Review:
2020 - 2023
Date of Evaluation Report:

Fisheries control and management is largely based upon the collection, storage, exchange… of large sets of data between the parties involved. Data sets are very diverse, ranging from tiny reports on the whereabouts of individual fishing vessels to aggregated reports of monthly (yearly) catches of the complete fleet of a country. This data is collected for different purposes. Sometimes it is used to closely monitor the behaviour of a single vessel and in other cases it serves scientific purposes in preparation of scientific advice for establishing TAC for a future fishing season. The requirements for data availability have historically grown and changed. The consequence is that for each business need individual data sets have been defined, and specific technical solutions have been developed. Today, a large patchwork of (partial) data management solutions is in place. This diversity hinders data exchange, and often delivers questionable quality at high operating cost. As part of the solution for this problem, the FLUX (Fisheries Language for Universal eXchange) project aims at defining a universal and efficient data exchange “language” compatible with (but not limited by) regulations and international requirements. 

This Briefing Note provides an insight into how UN/CEFACT’s work to develop a standard for the exchange of fishery messages for the sustainable management of fisheries (FLUX) contributes to Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. 

ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.3/2025/2 -
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.3/2025/1 -
ECE/CES/BUR/2024/OCT/21 -