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Traceability Of Primary Natural Products BRS

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BRS__TraceabilityOfPrimaryNaturalProducts_v1.0.pdf (application/octet-stream, 1.12 MB)

The project ‘Product Traceability Data Exchange’ is the follow up of the project on Animal Traceability Data Exchange (v1.0 ODP5).
At the first stage, we have focused on the movements of animals or groups of animals from one location to another and in this second stage we will focus on the movements of animal and plant products.
Originally the intention was to elaborate two BRSes, one for traceability of plant products and one for animal products. During the process it became clear that the information elements and the data structure were almost exactly similar. In order not to create a duplication of ABIES and ASBIES in the Core Component Library it was decided to develop one standard for traceability of animal and plant products.
The present document describes traceability processes for animal products (all species) and plant products during processing and transport within a country or across borders.
The business case supported by these processes is:
- All the business parties involved in the chain record T&T (track and trace) information on animal and plant products in a Traceability system
- A T&T requesting party (business, consumer or government) has a question about an animal or plant product, processing step, transport, location or responsible party and requires an immediate answer.
- The T&T system retrieves the required information and sends it to the requesting party
Traceability has been most commonly defined as “the ability to trace the history, application or location of an object” in a supply chain (ISO, 2015).
GS1, Global Standards defines traceability as “the ability to track forward the movement through specified stage(s) of the extended supply chain and trace backward this history, application or location of that which is under consideration (Ryu, 2012).