WP.6 3rd Forum, Green, digital transformation, 3 April 2024
Gender consideration for green, digital transformation
Link to the PowerPoint presentation
Speaker bio
Peter Morfee is the Principal Technical Advisor with Energy Safety, WorkSafe New Zealand, the Government Regulatory Agency responsible for the safety of the general application of electricity and gas in New Zealand. He is a graduate electrical and mechanical engineer with an interest in aviation. Having trained in the application of early computer technology to power system data capture, he has focused on safety Regulatory system design and the application of risk management principles to good regulatory practice.
Starting out with a focus on New Zealand, over 30 years in a regulatory role, he has expanded his interest firstly to Australia and then more broadly internationally, being involved in NZ’s FTA with China, and electrical equipment safety cooperation within the APEC economies and is now participating in the UNECE work under WP-6, the working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies where the application of risk management to regulatory system design fits nicely with their work and where he has expanded his influence into Gender Responsive Standards. He has often been described as a dinosaur owner who dabbles in the safety of almost every application of electricity from Medical electrical applications, through mining and tunnelling to high power transmission harmonics.
He is the principal architect of New Zealand’s electrical safety regulatory system. It’s all the same, there is little that is new, he says. For example, the safety systems used for EV charging apply the same principles that are used for underground mining.
Summary of the presentation
The Principal Technical Advisor of WorkSafe New Zealand underlined the changing risks that will occur as electricity replaces liquid and gaseous fuels and the importance of developing a strategy of gender resilience as the changes occur. He drew upon data from the New Zealand experience, but intentionally challenged the safety systems used internationally. He demonstrated measuring tolerance through the current safety system and the changes that are already occurring, and suggested where changes may need to be introduced as we move forward.